December 7, 2000



Nashua, New Hampshire

9:15 am
Mr. George Pohorilak, current chair of the Region 19800MHz Committee, called the meeting to order.

He described the mandate that gives him authority to convene this meeting

Pohorilak introduced James Warakois, Boston Police Communications as the Temporary

Recording Secretary.

Pohorilak introduced, himself the members of the panel, Jerry Zarwanski, DPS - OSET, and Jim

Warakois, APCO AFC MA/RI.

Nominations were opened for Chairman.
R. DiBella nominated George Pohorilak; there were multiple seconds.
A second call for nominations was made. No further nominations were received.
The nominations for Chairman were closed. A voice vote was made,

George Pohorilak, Chairman of the New England Region 700MHZ Planning Committee.

Nominations opened for Vice Chairman,
Jerry Zarwanski was nominated! and seconded for Vice-Chairman.
A second call for nominations was made. No further nominations were received.
The nominations for Vice Chairman were closed. A voice vote was made.

Jerry Zarwanski, Vice Chairman of the New England Region 700MHZ Planning Committee.

Nominations opened for Recording Secretary
Jim Warakois was nominated, and seconded for Recording Secretary.
A second call for nominations was made. No further nominations were received
The nominations for Recording Secretary were closed, A voice vote was made.

Jim Warakois, Recording Secretary of the New England Region 700MHZ Planning Committee.

R. Diflella moved that the vote for all officers be made unanimous by acclamation. Seconded and affirmed by voice vote.

The Roberts Rules of Order will govern the proceedings of this committee.
Pohorilak introduced David Eierman, Motorola / NOC member.

Mr. Eierman spoke on the current status of the 700 MHZ Transition.

A PowerPoint presentation was used to emphasize major points such as:

Reallocation of TV Channels 60 - 69; Allocations to Public Safety; NCC Current recommendations; National & Regional p!ans, existing and future; 700 MHz RPC Process; Adjacent Regions; Notifications of adjacent regions; Management of databases; TV Incumbency and timetables for change.

At the conclusion of Mr. Eiermans presentation the panel reconvened for further business.

0. Pohorilak asked those assembled if there was objection to delaying the formation of subcommittees until the next meeting of this committee which will be held in February 2001.

No objection was voiced.

Meeting adjourned at 10:31 am

Respectfully submitted


James A Warakois. Recording Secretary.


Documents made available prior to meeting:
NCC Implementation Subcommittee Final Draft Guidelines for 764-776/794-306 REGIONAL PLANNING
New England Region 700MHZ Planning Meeting Agenda

A meeting Registration list was created.

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