Meeting Minutes

New England Region 19 700 MHz

Technical Advisory Committee Meeting


Tuesday, December 11, 2018


New Hampshire Department of Safety

33 Hazen Drive

Concord, NH  03305


Mr. Jerry Zarwanski of CT chaired the meeting.  The meeting was opened at 10:03 AM.  An agenda and minutes to the previous meeting in Windsor Locke, CT was emailed to all committee members prior to the meeting and copies were also available for those attending the meeting.


A Quorum of nine committee members from at least three Region 19 states was present for this meeting. Members are allowed to call in to the meeting via a telephone conference bridge. Attendees participating by Conference Bridge:


Mike Varney – FIRSTNET

Brian Glancy – RI

David Stern – RPC 8

Bob Isby – RPC 30

Ken Link –

Steve Mallory - ME

Gil Woodside - RI

George Carbonell – CT

Steve Brown – CT

John Gustafson - CT



Agenda Item 1:  Approval of Minutes


Motion to approve the minutes of June 12th meeting by Dave Chase and Seconded by Mr. Lee Savary. The minutes were approved by unanimous voice vote.



Agenda Item 2: State Updates


Connecticut: DESPP Public Safety Data Network (PSDN), NG911, and DESPP by Chairman Zarwanski and Steve Verbil.

á      The PSDN Data Network: The system continues to be operational, recent ÒfailureÓ issues which occurred were able to be re-routed over the fiber network. Continuing to improve on the reliability within the network by use of multiple fiber paths and multiple physical redundant fiber links. System has been working well for almost 9 years. State is supporting the local cities and towns as intended in the investment justification grant which  provisioned 80% to Towns and 20% to the State (80/20) finance scheme of the system.

á      The Next Gen 911: Not much change this past year, All PSAPs installed with NG911 equipment & software, additional work  required to move wireless carriers from the existing routers and move to new AT&T ESI-Net core within next year or two. Implementation of Text-to-911 feature operating statewide, lower call volume coming in as expected.

á      The CTS P25 700/800 Radio System now under Division of Statewide Emergency Telecommunications (DSET), Connecticut Telecommunication System (CTS).  More activity regarding use of the statewide system by multiple localities and entities in Connecticut. State is supporting the local cities and towns with access to a P25 switch as part of an investment justification grant. Users must buy their own subscribe units and receive access to the coverage of the existing system. Town of Stonington coverage has been upgraded for better coverage by the state adding new facilities with a cost sharing agreement. Fairfield County T-Band users may bring 700 MHz frequencies into the system at a later date.


Massachusetts:  MA State Police (MASP) Statewide Public Safety Radio System by John Ruggiero.

á      The MASP 700 MHz P25 core infrastructure upgrade plans moving forward. One more console system to replace, completion expected by end of year 2018. Upgrade to next Motorola Console software version (7.17.3) will be accomplished asap.

á      Completed new microwave updates in Central MA, additional legacy microwave links in Southeast region of MA with hybrid IP capable microwave equipment.

á      Current RFP process to update the P25 system to the latest revision has closed. A contract will be awarded to consultant firm to manage the P25 system upgrade including frequency application planning in near future.

á      Update to the wireless PSAP at SP headquarters. Text-to-911 is being rolled out to additional areas. City of Boston has been live with mixed results of emergency vs non-emergency text traffic. A public information campaign is to be formed. Rapid SOS now being used for caller location.

á      Wireless Direct activity being implemented at local PSAPÕs and localities and being closely monitored.


New Hampshire:  Statewide P25 VHF system by Jim Kowalik.

á      Jim K. NH SafeNet IP core microwave network infrastructure operational for a number of years and continues to support multiple state and local stakeholders. 700 MHz in NH designed on interoperability with adjacent states and entities.

á      Dave C.  NHDOT moving forward with FE Everett Turnpike 4.9 GHz microwave build out with contractor to expand the Statewide Intelligent Transportation Management System.  NH DOT now a customer FirstNet/AT&T to complete replacement of legacy 3G cellular modems.

á      Tim M. NH DESC working with contractors to install P25 radio system infrastructure upgrades and changing out legacy VHF Quantar radio repeaters with IP GTR8000 repeaters at remote mountain top communications sites. Upgrades for 2019 includes replacing existing Embassy switch with new M Core IP systems in Concord and Laconia, replacing Gold Elite consoles with IP 7500 consoles, and changing out legacy.


Rhode Island:  No Report.


Maine:  Steve Mallory advised no further updates to report at this time.


Vermont:  No Report. Chairman Zarwanski will reach out to VT for update and possible next meeting date attendance.


Additional discussion occurred in reference to the pending deadline for FCC 700 MHZ State Frequency state coverage mandates. Issue related to 1/3 coverage and 2/3 coverage mandates by June 2019. Unknown what consequences would be imposed by FCC for non-compliance. Original consequence was for the 700 MHZ state frequencies to revert to general use channel allocations being managed by each RPC.


Agenda Item 3: FCC Update


  1. FCC 14-172 700 MHz T-Band/Reserve Replacement (24) Channels

á      Region 19 has not opened a window for T-Band reserve 700 MHz frequencies applications. Region 19 is waiting for FCC guidance in moving existing T-Band users onto 700 MHZ reserve channels.

á      Chairman Zarwanski: Update on CT DESPP request for 6 of the 24 reserved T-Band channels. Request is for use of 6 nationwide deployable channels on a secondary basis in the T-Band pool and all counties of CT. Some counties would require adjacent region 8 and adj region 30 concurrences. A special condition requirement is pending with application at R8 & 30.

á      Further Region 19 discussion on the issue of users moving off of T-Band to be held at future meetings.


  1. FIRSTNET.  Region 1 FIRSTNET Field Coordinator Mike Varney provided a brief update on AT&T/FirstNet progress via conference call phone.

á      AT&T continuing to have success working with outreach to local entities and building new Band 14 sites throughout NE.

á      Leadership at FIRSTNET: FIRSTNET Board members have all been re-appointed. The PSAC has New England Representation. A new chairman Todd Early of Texas.

á      Overall FIRSTNET progress is considered ahead of schedule.






Agenda Item 4: Application Engineering


  1. Common Engineering Spreadsheet Format:


á      Region19, Regions 8 and 30 have agreed on all applications to be submitted and exchanged via CAPRADAP. Each region will supply an ATDI Spectrum E type .csv spreadsheet parameters for 700 and 800 MHz application engineering review to allow for timely concurrences

á      Further discussion reference the FreqEasy and Radio Compass platforms with G. Carbonell, D. Chase, and J. Ruggiero regarding file format compatibility testing of the .csv excel spreadsheet.

á      Further technical discussion regarding the engineering program differences and suggestions was held. It was noted some adjustments to the existing coordination parameters in the Region 19 700 MHz plan may be necessary in the areas of coverage and incumbent user degradation.



  1. Technical Subcommittee:


á      The technical subcommittee still holds monthly conference calls on the first Thursday of each month at 8 AM.

á      New and pending applications from Region 19 as well as Adjacent Regions 8 & 30 concurrences are reviewed and voted for acceptance by members within a 30 day period if possible.

á      The technical committee continues to look for new members to assist with application engineering review.


Agenda Item 6: Region 19 Applications


A.   MASS State Police:


á      The MASP application filed on the CAPRADAP system program will be re-submitted as a Modification for processing by their engineering consulting firm in the near future.




á      Application 4024 application approved by Region 19, 8 & 30 but further review noted typo discrepancies with the coordinate data. Application returned for corrections to the data before approval letter is sent.


á      Application 4026 application for secondary use of nationwide deployable frequencies was approved by Region 30.  Region 8 requested special condition wording be added to the application approval. Once received, the applications will be sent back to Region 30 for re-approval. .





Agenda Item 7: Region 8 and 30 700 MHz Concurrence Applications


Chairman Zarwanski noted there are no current applications for concurrences from Region 8.or 30.


Agenda Item 8: National Regional Planning Committee (NRPC)


A.   NRPC Elections/Leadership Changes:

á      Scott Bingham elected as Chairman, Bill Carter appointed as Vice Chairman.


á      Chairman Zarwanski was elected as NRPC Eastern District Representative.


á      John Lennon was re-elected as NRPC Western District Representative


á      Elections are held on a 2 year term basis. Each year the Chairman or Vice-chairman position is up for election. The same applies for East/West or North/South district director positions.


Agenda Item 9: 4.9 GHz


á      FCC 4.9 GHz 6th NPRM Report and Order 07-100: New FCC requirement for coordination of 4.9 GHZ frequencies.


á      APCO and FCC held meetings to discuss pending FCC Rules and Regulations which would set standards on new coordination requirements and engineering methods for the shared use of the 4.9 GHz frequency band.


á      Further information regarding proposal to share 4.9 GHz microwave frequencies will be reviewed by each coordinating body and regional planning committees need to either modify or adopt a plan.


á      Specific engineering parameter requirements for Regional Committees and Local Frequency Advisors to consider will be put forth by the FCC for comment. Additional discussion to be held at next RPC19 meetings.


á      Chairman Zarwanski once again emphasized users of 4.9 GHz who hold 4.9 GHz licenses must ensure they have the proper license on file.


Agenda Item 10: New Business


A.   Next Meeting Date and Location:


The next meeting will be held March 12, 2019 at the MA Department of Fire Services located at 1 State Road, Stow, MA 01775. This is a new meeting venue.


Directions will be found on the Region 19 web site. (


  1. Wireless Carrier ERP Power Level Increases.


Chairman Zarwanski discussed new Commercial Wireless Carrier ERP levels as authorized by FCC. It was noted that the increased ERP levels will affect existing public safety users in the 700/800 MHZ band. A similar experience with this occurred in the past with the former Nextel Systems. Further discussion on this subject will be held at future meetings.


Seeing no further comments or new business, Chairman Zarwanski asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion to adjourn by S. Brown and seconded by R. DiBella. All members voted unanimously to adjourn at 11:25 AM.


Submitted - Jim Kowalik – Secretary