Meeting Minutes
New England Region 19 700 MHz
Technical Advisory Committee Meeting
Tuesday, June
9, 2015
Rhode Island Emergency Operations Center
645 New London Ave
Cranston, RI 02920
Mr. Jerry Zarwanski of CT chaired the meeting. The meeting was opened at 10:10 AM. An agenda and minutes to the previous meeting were emailed to all committee members prior to the meeting and copies were also available for those attending the meeting.
A Quorum of committee members was present for this meeting. At least one representative from each state was present. Attendees participating by Conference Bridge:
David Stern – NY Region 8
Bob Isby
– NY Region 30
Wright – CT
Savory – NH
Fiske – MA
White –
Stoltz – VT
Agenda Item
1: Approval of Minutes
A copy of the March 10, 2015 minutes from the last meeting was available to attendees. A discussion regarding name misspelling and minor corrections was held. A motion was raised by Brian Glancy to approve the minutes with the identified changes. Seconded by Mr. George Carbonell. Minutes were approved by affirmative voice vote. There was one committee member who voted to abstain.
Agenda Item 2:
State System Updates
Connecticut: Chairman Zarwanski provided an update of the State of Connecticut PSDN data network and the statewide Next Gen 911 call handling system.
The statewide Public Safety Data Network Data system has been operational for the last 5 to 6 years and is functioning normally. The PSDN network is primarily used for COLLECT, Radio Interoperability and NG911 The State is accepting applications from local entities for PSDN use.
The stateÕs NG911 system installation has been started. Currently there are 10 pilot PSAPÕs that have been cutover. There is one additional location scheduled to be cutover, which is today and that is DESPP/Division of Statewide Emergency Telecommunications (DSET) for training and administrative purpose. At this location, DSET will have statewide monitoring of 911 calls. In addition, reports can be run for the entire state or a particular PSAP, or on a particular call taker. Administrative functions such as creating user names, passwords and statewide speed dial lists from DSET are possible. At this time, the cutover of additional sites is on hold until some problems are resolved. This may slightly delay the completion of the installation and cutover of NG911 to the second quarter of 2016. Previous expected completion of NG911 was early 2016.
CT State Police deconsolidation of dispatching from two troops is underway. Troop L will no longer dispatch for Troops A and B. Troops A and B will get NG911 when they go back to dispatching. Troop C will no longer dispatch for Troops D, K and E. Troop E will be the first Troop with NG911 and is currently scheduled for cutover on July 28, 2015.
Mr. Scott Wright indicated CTS is looking to get radio
interoperability contacts for interoperability use in Long Island Sound waters
from NY to RI. Mr. Thomas Guthlein identified he has the contacts for Rhode
Island, Massachusetts and the waters off of Cape Cod.
Massachusetts: Mr. John Ruggiero reported that there has been significant funds expended to update legacy base stations from older MSF5000 models to new GTR8000. Dedicated funds totaling $68 million is in place. 700 MHz frequencies will be added into the system to supplement capacity of the current 800 MHz radios. The new administration in Massachusetts has decided to hire a consultant to review the current State Police radio system.
Vermont: Jessica Stoltz reported VT does not have any 700MHz systems. Vermont has a statewide VHF system in place
New Hampshire: Mr. Kowalik reported that the New Hampshire Safenet shared IP microwave network is mostly complete. The New Hampshire SWIC is meeting up with FIRSTNET today. A BTOP grant for dual band radios is in the process. A new project to replace the aging 20 year old VHF Astro system with new GTR8000 radios and linear simulcast is underway.
Maine: Steve Mallory reported here is no use of state 700 MHz frequencies as the state 700 MHz license has been canceled. The MSConnNet is a Harris digital simplex radio system. The statewide network cutover is complete and final acceptance tests are being completed. The next project related to the statewide analog system is to add interoperability with federal entities. Analog radios will be upgraded with P25 radios.
Steve Mallory reports that New Brunswick, Canada, DOT has secured funding of approximately $156 million to build out infrastructure for a new 700MHz system. Mr. Bruce Grandy is the contact at New Brunswick, Canada.
Rhode Island: Thomas
Guthlein identified the State of Rhode Island is redefining microwave loops and
fiber connectivity into the statewide radio system. Rhode Island established a
mobile command post for the Volvo International boat race. There were
approximately 55,000 people/day in attendance.
Agenda Item 3: FCC
A. 14-172 R&0 - 700 MHz
Chairman Zarwanski indicated there is copies of a handout on the table with 12 bullet points from the FCCÕs 700MHz Narrowbanding Report and Order (14-172). He indicated that about half of the bullets need to be addressed within the 700MHz Amended Plan. When the FCC originally issued the order, Regional Planning Committees nationwide had until June of 2015 to submit their 700MHz Plan Amendments. The NRPC and NPSTIC requested that the FCC extend the date until January 2016. The FCC came back and issued a new date for Regions to submit their plan amendments by October 30, 2015.
The Chairman indicated that Region 19 will comply with the FCC requirement of filing a Plan Amendment by October 30, 2015.
There are 24 700MHz reserve channels for T-Band. Current T-Band users get a 1 for 1 exchange, they give up a UHF channel and get a 700MHz reserve channel. Once all reserve channels are used they will get a CAPRAD allocated county general use channel.
There are not enough channels in 700MHz for the exchange. Areas outside T-Band will also be assigned these channels once county general use is used up. There are also 6 of the 24 channels that are considered nationwide deployable outside of the T-Band Areas. The 6 identified deployable are not considered for assignment in T-Band areas.
The Chairman next projected the Region 19 700MHz Amended Plan for Committee review and comment. The Chairman had a sequential numbering system file format for each Part and Section of the Amended Plan. Each file was displayed and reviewed. Each Committee member received a CD copy of the Amended Plan prior to the meeting.
The review, corrections, explanation and editing took over an hour. The committee determined the following sections still need further review.
110 Part I, Section 7 Interoperability Channel Usage (area highlighted in green)
237 Part II, Apprendix L (area highlighted in yellow)
239 Part II, Appendix N, Inter Region Coordination & Dispute Resolution (area written in blue)
A motion was raised to allow the Region 19 700MHz Plan Amendment to move forward to Region 8 and 30 for Concurrence. Noting to both Regions that the updated sections will be forth coming as soon as the committee can confirm the written section and data. The motion was approved by Mr. Michael Varney and Seconded by George Carbonell. Each Committee member present was asked individually by name whether they approve by saying ÒyesÓ, ÒabstainÓ, or ÒnoÓ to the motion on the table. The 15 members present and on the conference bridge all voted with a ÒYesÓ to the motion. Chairman Zarwanski indicated that he would make the edits/changes to the Plan, make CDÕs and send a cover letter to the Chairman of Region 8 and 30 identifying the areas requiring further attention ASAP. The Chairman also indicated that in the original plan the Tribal Nations were given an opportunity to comment on the plan and that he would send a letter with CD of the amended Plan to the 10 Tribal Nations in New England. The comment period would be 30 days. The Chairman displayed the Tribal Nations contact information and the members of that State confirmed that each Tribal Nation was accounted for.
B. FirstNet
Chairman Zarwanski indicated FirstNet has received 50 of 56 completed consultation checklists. Meetings with some New England states have taken place. Meeting in Maine took place on 5/20, Connecticut on 5/27, New Hampshire meeting is occurring today, 6/9 and the Vermont meeting will be held on 6/16. He did not have the Massachusetts or Rhode Island dates. FirstNet continues to move forward with the planning process for the initiative to buildout out a nationwide public safety broadband system.
4. Application
A. Spreadsheet Format
Chairman Zarwanski indicated he has the Excel spreadsheet format for Spectrum E. He continues to ask for Comstudy, Compass and FreqEZ Excel spreadsheet format.
B. Technical Subcommittee
The technical subcommittee continues to meet on a monthly basis. Applications have been completed or additional information can be obtained quickly using this process. The technical committee has caught up on reviewing applications.
Chairman Zarwanski indicated that going forward Region 19 will use CAPRAD. New applications will need to be filed in CAPRAD along with the 601 form and engineering attachments. CAPRAD has the capability to accept attachments and files in different formats. The Amended 700MHz Plan and the revised application process require the use of CAPRAD. The Technical Subcommittee needs to quickly move forward with updating the data in Appendix L with the CAPAD database so the 700MHz amended plan can be approved by adjacent Region 8 & 30. Discussion took place on how the original CAPRAD sort was completed. The Chairman indicated Region 19 identified, a bandwidth of either12.5KHz or 25KHz, a channel separation of 250KHz and the use of the population model.
Region 19
There are no current pending Region 19 700MHz applications and none have been submitted this quarter.
Region 8 & 30
Concurrence Request
There are no pending Region 8 or 30 concurrence requests. However, the Chairman attended the Region 8 meeting on May 28, 2015 and Region 8 Secretary identified at least 10 pending applications which will be coming to Region 19 for concurrence.
Agenda Item 7:
National Regional Planning Committee (NRPC)
NRPC continues to have a teleconference bridge once a month.
Currently it is held on the third Wednesday of the month in the past it was
held on the third Thursday of the Month. Attendance is now taken for those that
attend the bridge.
Item 8. 4.9 GHz
Chairman Zarwanski discussed the importance of notifications to the Region 19 committee when 4.9 GHz systems are put in operation. Chairman Zarwanski noted once again that if the user has not notified the RPC of the use, and, if the FCC modifies the 4.9 GHz rules to reallocate the spectrum for FIRSTNET, those who are not on record may not receive reallocation assistance.
Item 9. New Business
A.Next Meeting Date and Location: Next Meeting will be held in Connecticut at the Fire Academy on September 8, 2015
Seeing no further comments or new business, Chairman Zarwanski declared a recess at 12:15 AM until 12:25 at which time he will commence the Region 19 800 MHz RPC meeting.
Submitted - Jim Kowalik – Secretary