Meeting Minutes
New England Region 19 700 MHz
Technical Advisory Committee Meeting
June 12, 2018
Rhode Island Emergency Operations Center
645 New London Ave
Cranston, RI 02920
Mr. Jerry Zarwanski of CT chaired the meeting. The meeting was opened at 10:08 AM. An agenda and minutes to the previous meeting in Kennebunkport, ME were emailed to all committee members prior to the meeting and copies were also available for those attending the meeting.
A Quorum of committee members was present for this meeting.
Members are allowed to call in to the meeting via a telephone conference bridge. Attendees participating by Conference Bridge:
Steve Mallory - ME
David Stern - Region 8
Steve Verbil – CT (Vice-chairman)
Agenda Item
1: Approval of Minutes
Chairman Zarwanski noted the date of March 13 for the previous meeting in Maine was incorrect due to the change of location due to snow storm in March. Secretary Kowalik will correct the minutes to reflect the meeting was actually held on March 27, 2018. Motion to approve the minutes, as corrected, by Mr. Carbonell and Seconded by Mr. Brown. The minutes were approved by unanimous voice vote.
Agenda Item 2:
State Updates
Connecticut: DESPP Public Safety
Data Network (PSDN) and NG911 by Chairman Zarwanski.
Data Network operational
for over ten years. NextGen 911 system is operational over it with other
The PSDN and NG911 network
backup power systems were improved by the addition of remote power transfer
switches and upgrades to the UPS units will be forth coming. Approximately 50
CT towns and municipalities applications will traverse the PSDN through a state
governance approval process.
The Next Gen 911
system will be implementing text-to-911 in the near future, software updates
for user PSAPs must be completed.
CT State Police P25 700/800 Radio System:
CT State Police
Communications personnel were unable to attend, no report available. Previous
reports indicated continuing efforts to complete communications tower site upgrades
and convert the infrastructure to full P25 equipment operations.
Massachusetts: MA State Police Statewide Public Safety Radio System by John Ruggiero.
á Moving forward with 700 MHz P25 core infrastructure upgrade plans in place. $8M available for console systems, subscriber units, etc.
á New effort to upgrade the existing 700 MHz hybrid radio system to latest revision of P25 equipment. RFP for design consultant in process. System selection expected in FY2019.
á Replacing seven legacy microwave links with hybrid equipment to support legacy and future IP microwave equipment.
á New internal discussions regarding future funding mechanism to support continued upgrades to the statewide communications networks. May include a hike in the 911 surcharge rate to support both the NextGen 911 and radio network infrastructure.
á Mr. Ruggiero noted a change in the management of the Statewide 911 system operations. The wireless PSAP portion of the system previously operated under the MASP will be managed by the MA Statewide 911 offices.
New Hampshire: Statewide P25 VHF system by Jim Kowalik.
á NH SafeNet IP core microwave network infrastructure continues to support multiple state and local partnerships.
NH DESC has completed
an RFP process for radio system upgrades to the legacy P25 LMR radio infrastructure.
A contract has been
awarded, final design work and purchase process to be completed early Fall
2018. Upgrades will include new IP Core, IP 7500 consoles, and IP GTR8000
repeaters. System installation is expected to be completed by Spring of 2019.
á Additional purchases of multiband VHF/UHF/700/800 MHz mobiles/portables for NHSP and other DOS users have been made to support interoperability plans.
FIRSTNET update by John Steven, NH SWIC,
á NH DOS continues to work with FirstNet/AT&T infrastructure build out group to complete statewide system.
NHDOT update by Dave Chase, Comm Supv,
á NHDOT moving forward with FE Everett Turnpike microwave build out in the southern portion of the turnpike to expand the Statewide Intelligent Transportation Management System.
á Expansion will add 4.9 GHz short haul links. NHDOT consultant will file FCC fixed location microwave license applications.
Rhode Island: No comments by RI attendee.
Maine: No Report at this time.
Vermont: No Report at this time.
Agenda Item 3: FCC
á Region 8 has decided to not open a window for T-Band reserve 700 MHz frequencies applications. Region 8 is waiting on FCC final guidelines before moving forward.
á Region 19 voted to not open a 700 MHz T-Band window based on the same reasons as Region 8 which was also discussed in the previous March quarterly meeting in Maine.
á Region 19 has current plans to allow approval of 700 MHz frequency allocations, including adjacent state concurrences, but will wait until the FCC guidance becomes known.
á Discussion regarding possible requests for 700 MHz frequencies from the general use pool of frequencies to assist with the T-Band reallocation process.
á If approval of out-of-pool 700 MHz frequency allocations becomes necessary, Region 19 may have to update the Region 19 plan to make that possible.
á Region 19 has current plans which describe allocations of frequencies that do not follow the current county-by-county pool of frequency allocations but additional changes may be needed to include coordination with adjacent regions.
á Further Region 19 discussion on these issues to be held at future meetings.
Discussion on FIRSTNET (Band 14) 700 MHz LTE network and potential interference issues with Public Safety
700 MHz systems.
FIRSTNET system parameters are not being made
public and it appears transmitter output power level may be high enough to
cause harmful interference.
Verizon continues to build out similar public
safety cellular nationwide system on their existing infrastructure.
Mr. Gil Woodside identified a related trail with
AT&T providing SONIM smartphone devices for the VOLVO tennis tournament
held in RI to test FIRSTNET access to data applications. Noted they used the
devices to support large amount of data use during the event. Further
comparisons with current issued Verizon units at the future Bristol, RI 4th
of July parade to follow.
Agenda Item 4:
Applications and Engineering
1. Region19 and Regions 8 and 30 have agreed on certain common engineering parameters for 700 and 800 MHz application review.
2. Applicants are now required to use the new CAPRADAP program and provide proper data in .csv format for the application to be considered.
3. Programs proposed and accepted are: ATDI, Comstudy, and FreqEasy.
4. Further discussion regarding the engineering program differences and suggestions was held.
5. John Ruggiero is examining the common engineering parameters and will provide templates and information to be placed on the RPC19 web site.
1. The technical subcommittee still holds monthly conference calls on the first Thursday of each month at 8 AM.
2. New and pending applications are reviewed and voted for acceptance by members within a 30 day period if possible.
3. Requesting 30 day review period for adjacent region concurrence to enable a fast turnaround of 60 to 90 day completion process.
Agenda Item 5: Region
19 Applications
MASS State Police:
a. Long term MASS SP application for 700 MHz frequencies awaiting LOC from Suffolk Cty NY.
b. This MASS SP application must be filed on the CAPRADAP program to continue to be processed for adjacent region concurrence. John Ruggiero MASP will continue to follow up with this.
Agenda Item 6: Region
8 and 30 700 MHz Concurrence Applications
Chairman Zarwanski noted there are no currently pending concurrences. Once new applications are received, the technical committee will convene to review/approve these applications.
Agenda Item 7:
National Regional Planning Committee (NRPC)
A. CAPRADAP Engineering Program Use
a. Chairman Zarwanski reviewed the proposed Eastern District 700/800 MHz Application and Engineering Procedure documentation. This working document is based on the Region 19 application review process.
b. The NRPC Eastern District Engineering Document is being provided to all eastern district regions for review and acceptance as a tool for all reviewers to use. Further in-depth discussion was held.
c. A CAPRAD survey was issued and a good response from most Eastern District Chairs and Vice-Chairs was received. The purpose of the survey was to note differences in regional plans, committee roles, and engineering practices. A report of the result will be presented at a later date.
d. Three CAPRADAP webinars have been held and additional webinars to be announced by NRPC/APCO.
e. NRPC will be holding additional classroom training opportunities to NRPC members at the August 2018 APCO Annual Conference on August 7, 2018.
Agenda Item 8: 4.9
Updated information regarding FCC 4.9 GHz
6th NPRM proposal was reviewed and discussed. FCC Public Notice DA
18-468 released on May 7, identified specific dates for filing comments, July
6, 2018 and reply comments, August 6, 2018.
Chairman Zarwanski discussed
the recent NRPC report on the FCC NRPM Section E which
describes some of the issues related to the FCCÕs proposal to reallocate 4.9
GHZ frequencies. A copy was provided to attendees and can be found on the NRPC
web site.
Chairman Zarwanski once
again emphasized users of 4.9 GHz who hold 4.9 GHz licenses to ensure they have
the proper license on file. It is possible future 4.9 GHz frequency requests
may require a fee to coordinate the license applications.
requirements for Regional plans to consider will be put forth by the FCC for
comment. Additional discussion to be
held at next RPC19 meetings.
Agenda Item 9: New
A. Next Meeting date and Location:
a. The next meeting will be held September 11, 2018 in Windsor Locks, Connecticut at the CT Fire Academy.
Old Business
Seeing no further comments or new business, Chairman Zarwanski asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion to adjourn by G. Carbonell and seconded by S. Brown. All members voted unanimously to adjourn at 11:50 AM.
Submitted - Jim Kowalik – Secretary