Meeting Minutes
New England Region 19 700 MHz
Technical Advisory Committee Meeting
Tuesday, March
12, 2019
Dept. of Fire Services
State Road
MA 01775
Mr. Jerry Zarwanski of CT chaired the meeting. The meeting was opened at 10:05 AM. An agenda and minutes to the previous meeting in Concord, NH was emailed to all committee members prior to the meeting and copies were also available for those attending the meeting.
A Quorum of nine committee members from at least three states was present for this meeting. Members are allowed to call in to the meeting via a telephone conference bridge. Attendees participating by Conference Bridge:
Scott Wright - CT
Lee Savary – NH DOT
Dave Chase – NH DOT
Steve Mallory - ME
Steve Brown – CT
BiIl Hackett – CT
Agenda Item
1: Approval of Minutes
Motion raised to approve the minutes of December 11th meeting by Brian Glancy, Seconded by Steve Verbil. The minutes were approved by unanimous voice vote of members present.
Agenda Item 2:
State Updates
Connecticut: DESPP Public Safety
Data Network (PSDN), NG911, and DESPP
The Next Gen 911: Not
much change since last report. All PSAPs installed with NG911 equipment. & Text-to-911
feature operating statewide. Next step will be installation of entire new
AT&T network core. All carriers will be changing out legacy CO (Central
Office) lines to PoP (Point of Presence) terminations.
The CTS P25 700/800 Radio
System transitioned to Division of Statewide Emergency Telecommunications
(DSET). Rolling out additional infrastructure,
implementing CSSI and ISSI, more subscribers, etc. Increasing state
partnerships with localities in Connecticut. Expecting to complete P25 build-out
early Spring/Summer.
Massachusetts: MA State Police (MASP) Statewide Public
Safety Radio System
á John R. The MASP 700 MHz P25 core infrastructure upgrades moving forward. All gold elite consoles removed. Motorola Console software version upgrade completed last month.
á Completed new microwave updates in Southeast region of MA. Contract was awarded to MCP consultant firm to design P25 system upgrade.
MA aware of deadline for 700 MHz state frequency
use and is having waiver created since unable to complete 2/3 coverage requirement by June of this year.
Matt B.
MA 911 experienced a 36 hr outage by a major carrier that affected
wireless calls nationwide. MA system okay, calls into MA affected,
investigation and solutions under review.
Text to 911 operational in November 2018, 200
plus PSAPÕs participating in wireless direct call systems. Continuing issues
related to transferring text information.
New Hampshire: Statewide P25 VHF system by Jim Kowalik.
Jim K. NH SafeNet IP
core microwave network infrastructure operational for a number of years and continues
to support multiple state and local stakeholders
Tim M. NH DESC working
with contractors to install P25 radio system infrastructure upgrades and changing
out legacy VHF Quantar radio repeaters with IP GTR8000 repeaters at remote mountain top communications sites. Existing Embassy
switch changed out successfully with new M IP core. One installed in Concord
and one in Laconia. NH techs attended Motorola radio system classes in
Illinois. Gold Elite consoles replaced with IP 7500 consoles, and changing out remaining
legacy equipment. Initial tests of new system prior to cutover will be performed
at Troop A in early Summer.
Jim K. Update
reference on 700 MHz state frequencies. NH has filed compliance documents but
may not meet final goal. Most likely, NH will request waiver for more time
while additional equipment is purchased and installed.
Dave C. Spoke briefly
of AASHTO survey reference 5.8 GHz Intelligent Transportation Services band microwave
current and potential future shared use. FCC potentially allowing shared use of
the band with ISP providers for car to car intelligent
vehicle systems.
Rhode Island: No Report at this time.
Maine: Steve Mallory advised attendees of Franklin County, Sugarloaf Mountain tower collapse this Winter. The site is off the air and state is using work-arounds to communicate in that area.
Vermont: No Report. Chairman
Zarwanski will reach out to VT for update. Our next quarterly meeting is in
Putney, VT in June 2019.
Agenda Item 3: FCC
á Region 19 has not opened a window for T-Band reserve 700 MHz frequencies applications. Region 19 is waiting for FCC guidance in moving existing T-Band users onto 700 MHZ reserve channels. Also, If Adjacent Regions 8 and/or 30 make notification of an open window for T-Band reserve frequencies, Region 19 will follow suit to allow fair competition to take place.
á To date, there have been no requests for the reserve frequencies. Further Region 19 discussion on the issue to be held at future meetings.
Chairman Zarwanski: AT&T FirstNet continuing
the build-out of Band 14 sites in CT. Based on recent SIEC meetings, FirstNet
CT rep Dan Stebbens. reported that AT&T has
approximately 17,000 subscribers.
57 sites in CT utilizing new Band 14 and placing additional sites on the
band throughout CT.
á Jim K. AT&T working directly with NH SWIC and NH SIEC working groups and leadership. AT&T reporting 300 plus site with 50 utilizing Band 14. Additional entities users being added and AT&T will continue to build out in NH during 2019.
á Dave C. Corrected AT&T numbers to indicate only 14 sites have Band 14 actual operational sites and 700 users signed on to the AT&T FirstNet core system. NH DOT has become an AT&T FirstNet partner with a few NHDOT divisions already using the system.
Agenda Item 4:
Application Engineering
á Chairman Zarwanski re-iterated that Region19, Regions 8 and 30 have agreed on all applications to be submitted and exchanged via CAPRADAP. Each region will supply an ATDI Spectrum E type .csv spreadsheet parameters for 700 and 800 MHz application engineering review to allow for timely concurrences.
á Continued discussion reference the FreqEasy and Radio Compass platforms with G. Carbonell, D. Chase, and J. Ruggiero regarding file format compatibility testing of the various .csv excel spreadsheets.
á Region 19 will continue to review and approve CAPRAD applications to ensure agreed upon regional frequency specifications are followed. The parameters and coverage engineering will be done by committee volunteers in Regions 8, 30 and 19.
á The technical subcommittee still holds monthly conference calls on the first Thursday of each month at 8 AM.
á New and pending applications from Region 19 as well as Adjacent Regions 8 & 30 concurrences are reviewed and voted for acceptance by members within a 30 day period if possible.
á The technical committee continues to look for new members to assist with application engineering review.
á Chairman Zarwanski recounted historical facts regarding the allocation process for 700 MHz general use frequencies as allocated by the FCC in the early days of the 700 MHz band. Issues related to the fact that general use 700 MHz frequency requests must get their State SIEC or SWIC approval letter prior to the application being accepted for review by Region 19. Current plans indicate such requests must comply with the State SCIP Plan. Further discussion held regarding this subject, but any changes to the existing process outlined in the approved Regional Plan must be brought forth as an amendment to the Plan.
Agenda Item 5: Region
19 Applications
MASS State Police:
The MASP application filed on the CAPRADAP
system program is on hold pending results of new MASP consultant evaluation of
the proposal.
á Application for secondary use of nationwide deployable frequencies needs additional modifications regarding Region 8 requested special condition wording be added to the application approval.
Agenda Item 6: Region
8 and 30 700 MHz Concurrence Applications
Chairman Zarwanski noted there are no current applications for 700 MHz concurrences from Region 8 or 30.
Agenda Item 7:
National Regional Planning Committee (NRPC)
A. CAPRAD / CAPRADAP Updated Systems.
á Chairman Zarwanski provided update regarding the recent proposal from NRPC to consolidate the two systems into one user friendly login to applications and the planning side. More information to follow once the new system is released to users.
B. Proposed Eastern District Application and Engineering-Common Practices; Discussion associated with standardizing the engineering common practice to all Regions within the NRPC Eastern District. Discussion related to the continuing effort to have all Eastern District regional users utilize similar approved engineering software. Goal is for all to use ATDI Spectrum E. As previously discussed, the NRPC will grant temporary access to ATDI for committee members. A request letter to the Regional Chairman for access is needed along with NRPC approvals.
Agenda Item 9: 4.9
Continuing updates
related to FCC 4.9GHz 6th NPRM Report and Order 07-100: New FCC
requirement for coordination of 4.9GHz frequencies.
APCO and FCC held
meetings to discuss pending FCC Rules and Regulations which
would set standards on new coordination requirements and engineering methods for
the shared use of the 4.9GHz frequency band.
Specific engineering
parameter requirements for Regional Committees and Local Frequency Advisors to
consider will be put forth by the FCC for comment. Very little progress has
been made and additional discussions between FCC and Coordinating
bodies to be held. A Report and Notice may be put forth coming at anytime.
Chairman Zarwanski
once again emphasized users of 4.9 GHz who hold 4.9 GHz licenses must ensure
they have the proper license on file.
Agenda Item 10: New
A. Next Meeting Date and Location:
The next meeting will be held June 11, 2019 at the VT Putney Fire Department. Directions will be found on the Region 19 web site. (
Chairman Zarwanski thanked David Stern from Region 8 for the tribute to Morty Leiffer provided at their most recent quarterly meeting. Morty Leiffer of NY was a long time member of multiple committees and working groups and his in-depth technical analysis and contributions to the planning process were recognized.
Seeing no further comments or new business, Chairman Zarwanski asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion to adjourn by S. Verbil and seconded by B. Glancy All members voted unanimously to adjourn at 11:15 AM.
Submitted - Jim Kowalik – Secretary