Meeting Minutes

Region 19 700MHz Committee


Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Connecticut Fire Academy

34 Perimeter Road

Windsor Locks, CT 06096



Mr. Jerry Zarwanski chaired the meeting.  The meeting started at 10:00AM.  An agenda was emailed to all committee members and copies were available for those attending the meeting.  Several members called in on the telephone conference bridge. A moment of silence was observe for the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks victims.


First item on the agenda:  Approval of Minutes


A copy of the minutes from the last meeting was available.  A motion was raised to approve the minutes. The minutes were approved by Mr. Stephan Brown and seconded by Mr. Stephen Verbil.


Second item on the agenda: Annual Elections


Mr. Jerry Zarwanski stated every September Region 19 holds its annual elections. Mr. Zarwanski requested a nomination for chairman. Mr. James Warakois nominated Mr. Zarwanski. Mr. George Carbonell seconded the nomination. Nominations were closed. Present committee members voted and Mr. Zarwanski was elected unanimously. Mr. Zarwanski requested a nomination for vice chairman. Mr. Carbonell nominated Mr. Stephen Brown. Mr. Michael Varney seconded the nomination. Mr. Zarwanski nominated Mr. Verbil. Mr. Paul Budzenski seconded the nomination. Ballot for vice chairman were distributed to committee members. Mr. Zarwanski instructed the committee members to vote for either Mr. Stephen Verbil or Mr. Stephen Brown. Mr. Kowalik tallied the ballots and Mr. Verbil was declared vice chairman. Mr. Zarwanski made a motion to destroy the ballots. Mr. Jeffrey Otto seconded the motion. The committee voted unanimously to destroy the ballots. Mr. Zarwanski requested a nomination for secretary. Mr. Brown nominated Mr. James Kowalik. Mr. Carbonell seconded the nomination. Nominations were closed. Present committee members voted and Mr. James Kowalik was elected unanimously. Mr. Zarwanski briefed the committee on the election results. Mr. Zarwanski was nominated for president, Mr. Verbil was nominated for vice chairman, Mr. James Kowalik was nominated for secretary, and the Atlantic Chapter remains as the treasurer.


Third item on the agenda: State Updates


 Mr. Verbil identified Phase I of the Public Safety Data Network (PSDN) has been completed. Phase I of the PSDN connects 112 nodes (PSAPs/state facilities) utilizing fiber optics. There are currently two applications running on the PSDN, Connecticut On-Line Law Enforcement Communications Teleprocessing (COLLECT) and Conventional Channel Gateways (CCGWs). Phase II of the PSDN will extend the network out to an additional 450 sites.


Mr. Verbil informed the committee the NG911 committee will start negotiations with the selected vendor for the proposed NG911 system. Mr. Verbil informed the committee several sites of the NG911 system should be operational by the second quarter of next year. Mr. Verbil anticipated accepting the NG911 system in 24 months. 


Massachusetts: Mr. Steve Staffier stated Massachusetts publicly announced the Broadband Project Management Office (PMO). The office will be staffed with approximately 6 state employees. Mr. Staffier also stated this is an initiative under the FirstNet program.


New Hampshire:  Mr. James Kowalik reported New HampshireÕs SafeNet program is underway. When finished the stateÕs microwave system will be upgraded to Internet Protocol (IP).


 Mr. Kowalik informed the committee a FirstNet meeting was held with Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Mr. Kowalik believed the state of New Hampshire is going to opt in to the SafeNet program. Mr. Kowalik stated the state is looking to hire a Statewide Interoperability Coordinator (SWIC).


Mr. David Chase reported the State of New Hampshire is building out fiber from the city of Concord to the city of Manchester. The project started 2 months ago and is slated for completion in 24 months.


Rhode Island:  Mr. Budzenski stated the state is trying to resolve some issues with the High Performance Data (HPD) system. The Department of Transportation is working with the stateÕs vendor ICS to do so. There are currently 275 radios and 275 modems on the system. One system site is operational for testing purposes only.  


Maine: No report


Vermont:  No Report


Fourth item on the agenda:  FCC Update


Mr. Zarwanski stated the FCC required states holding 700MHz ÒState LicensesÓ provide or be prepared to provide Òsubstantial serviceÓ to one-third of their population or territory by June 13, 2014 and two-third of their population or territory by June 13, 2019. If a state licensee fails to meet any condition of the grant the state license is modified automatically to the frequencies and geographic areas where the state certifies that it is providing substantial service. The FCC identified the recovered state license spectrum will revert to 700MHz ÒGeneral UseÓ spectrum.


Mr. Scott Wright representing Connecticut Telecommunications Systems (CTS) informed the committee the state is in the process of building out their 700MHz system at approxiamately19 sites utilizing 700MHz state channels.


Mr. Garry Gutkowski informed the committee the state of Massachusetts is building out 8 sites in the Boston area with state channels which should be completed by the end of this year.  


Mr. Zarwanski stated 12 individuals have been appointed to the FirstNet board. The committee was provided documentation identifying the FirstNet board members. Mr. Zarwanski also stated the technical and interoperability board has been identified. There is 7 billion dollars of funding to support the build out of FirstNet. Mr. Zarwanski identified the FCC will be requesting public comment in regards to T Band givebacks. Licensees currently operating on T Band will have 9 years to vacate the spectrum. Mr. Zarwanski provided the committee with a detailed overview of FirstNetÕs initial guidance for the State and Local Implementation Grant Program (SLIGP).

Fifth item on the agenda: Region 19 Plan/Applications


Mr. Zarwanski reported there has been no new 700MHz applications submitted to Region 19.


Mr. Zarwanski stated Mr. John Masciadrelli will be stepping down as chair of the Region 19 technical subcommittee. Mr. Zarwanski informed the committee Mr. Masciadrelli has been assigned to several large state projects which will require him to dedicate a substantial amount of his time to. Mr. Zarwanski requested a volunteer from the Region 19 Committee to fill the position as Region 19 Technical Subcommittee Chair. 


Mr. Zarwanski identified APCO has moved away from Radiosoft, Comstudy software for analyzing RF applications. APCO frequency advisors have been directed to use Spectrum E by ATDI INC to perform frequency analyzes. Mr. Zarwanski suggested when applicants submit requests for 700/800MHz channels they provide Comstudy files as well as a csv files compatible with Spectrum E.  Mr. Zarwanski requested the committee adopt his suggestion. Mr. Wright inquired how the technical subcommittee members can obtain Spectrum E software. Mr. Zarwanski identified ATDI charges a monthly fee to utilize their software. Mr. Carbonell made a motion to table Mr. Zarwanski request to adopt Spectrum E until more information is gathered. The motion was seconded by Mr. Verbil. Mr. Michael Varney proposed an amendment to the motion requesting the technical subcommittee report back at the December Region 19 meeting on how they intend to review future applications. Mr. Carbonell seconded the amendment. The motion passed unanimously.


Sixth item on the agenda: APCO Conference/NRPC Meeting


Mr. Zarwanski informed the committee he met with the president of the NRPC. The president identified the NRPC was considering instituting a software package to standardize both the exchange of information and the technical review process between regions. There is a conference call bridge being held September 13th to discuss spectrum management. Mr. Zarwanski also indicated the NRPC is looking for volunteers to join their technical committees. The meeting/conference calls are held at 3:00pm Eastern Standard Time. Mr. Carbonell requested he be added to the conference call bridge list of participates.


Seventh item on the agenda: Region 8 and Region 30 700MHz Applications


Mr. Zarwanski reported Mr. Verbil, Mr. Masciadrelli and he attended the last Region 8 meeting. Mr. Zarwanski identified he spoke with a Suffolk County, New York representative in regards to the countyÕs application. The individual stated Suffolk County (Window 1 applicant) has resubmitted a corrected application to the Region 8 committee. Mr. Zarwanski stated he believes Region 8 will be requesting interregional concurrence for Suffolk County, New York in the near future.


Westchester County, New York application was granted interregional concurrence for the majority of their proposed sites and frequencies. Mr. Zarwanski indicated several sites and their associated frequencies were denied concurrence. There will be a meeting held September 14, 2012 between Region 8, Region 19 and Westchester County to discuss the sites and frequencies not approved by the Region 19 technical subcommittee. The location has yet to be determined. Committee members are welcome to attend the meetings. Region 8Õs Windows 4 and 5 are under review by their technical subcommittee.


Eighth item on the agenda: 4.9GHz


Mr. Zarwanski stated 4.9GHz has been assigned to public safety for high bandwidth short distance communications. The spectrum has been available for 10 years now. Applicants applying for 4.9GHz will receive the whole 50MHz of spectrum. Discussions are being held within FirstNet to utilize 40MHz of the allocated 50MHz of bandwidth for backhaul in the D Block spectrum. Based on August 30, 2012 FCC licensing data there are 2530 licenses within the band.  Mr. Zarwanski indicated the FCC has released a Fifth Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on August 30, 2012 and would like comments back by October 1, 2012 on key issues. The key issues are as follows; coordination and regional planning, expanding eligibility, use as backhaul for 700MHz Broadband Network, aeronautical use and technical parameters. Entities planning on utilizing 4.9GHz spectrum in Region 19 must file with the regional planning committee. 


Ninth item on the agenda: New Business


Mr. Kowalik announced Mr. James Warakois an active member of the Region 19 committee has retired from the Boston Police Department and also plans on retiring as Massachusetts/Rhode Island APCO frequency coordinator when a replacement is found. Mr. Kowalik stated Mr. Warakois has done a great job providing services to the Region 19 committee and technical subcommittee. Mr. Kowalik also indicated APCO is looking to fill the Massachusetts/Rhode Island APCO frequency coordinator position.    


With no further comments or business, Mr. Carbonell motioned for adjournment.  Mr. Steven Brown seconded the motion.  The next meeting will be held at the New Hampshire Department of Public Safety, 33 Hazen Drive, Concord, New Hampshire on December 11, 2012.


All present agreed to adjourn at 11:26A.M.