Meeting Minutes
Region 19 700MHZ Committee
Tuesday, December 8,
New Hampshire
Department of Public Safety
33 Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03305
Mr. Jerry Zarwanski chaired the meeting. The meeting started at 10:21AM. An agenda was emailed to all committee members and copies were available for those attending the meeting. Several members called in on the telephone conference bridge.
First item on the agenda: Approval of Minutes
A copy of the minutes from the last meeting was passed out. A motion was raised to accept the minutes. The minutes were accepted by Mr. Steven Brown and seconded by Mr. Paul Leary.
Second item on the agenda: State Update
Connecticut: Mr. Jerry Zarwanski at the last meeting requested Mr. Steven Verbil provide the committee with a copy of the completed State of Connecticut – 700MHz Spectrum Allocation Plan. Mr. Verbil identified that the Connecticut 700MHz Technical Advisory Committee created the State of Connecticut – 700MHz Spectrum Allocation Plan. The plan identifies requirements that Connecticut applicants must abide by to be considered for allocation of Ògeneral useÓ 700MHz channels. Mr. Zarwanski stated the CAPRAD (Computer Assisted Pre-Coordination Resource and Database System) sort provided Connecticut with less Ògeneral useÓ 700MHz frequencies than anticipated. Mr. Zarwanski identified the Connecticut – 700MHz Spectrum Allocation Plan was created to encourage the sharing of channels between Connecticut cities and towns allowing for the build-out of a 700MHz infrastructure.
Mr. Verbil reported on the Connecticut PSDN (Public Safety Data Network). He identified the state is under a 20 year lease agreement with FiberTech Networks to install and maintain a fiber ring infrastructure connecting 111 Public Safety Answering Points and a number of state facilities. The state has opted to lease dark fiber in lieu of a light managed network. The state will be purchasing and maintaining its own hardware and software to light a 10 Gig fiber optic network. The applications riding the fiber optic rings in the first phase of the PSDN will be NG-911, CJIS (Criminal Justice Information Systems) and CCGW (Conventional Channel Gateway).
Massachusetts: Mr. Blair Sutherland stated the state interoperability committee has been meeting regularly to discuss identified projects. Mr. Sutherland informed the committee Massachusetts is looking into utilizing 700MHz Òstate licenseÓ channels. He indicated there is no regional plan to coordinate Òstate licenseÓ channels. Mr. Sutherland suggested we look into coordinating amongst the Region 19 states to benefit each other instead of becoming adversaries. Mr. Paul Zito informed the committee that CAPRAD had sorted the Òstate licenseÓ channels and we may want to utilize the sort as a start to a plan. Mr. Zarwanski stated Region 19 committee has no authority over the Òstate licenseÓ channels except for Vermont. Vermont has not licensed their Òstate licenseÓ channels. Region 19 will be looking out for VermontÕs best interest until they choose to move forward with licensing.
Mr. Zarwanski indicated Mr. Verbil holds a monthly conference call bridge with representatives from Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Mr. Zarwanski suggested individuals interested in discussing the utilization of Òstate licenseÓ channels, from the identified states, should attend the conference call bridge. Mr. Verbil composed a list of individuals requesting the conference call bridge number and will email invites to the individuals.
Mr. Sutherland asked if the PSDN is being funded by multiple grants. Mr. Verbil stated the PSDN is being completely funded from the 911 surcharge.
Rhode Island: No Report
New Hampshire: Mr. James Kowalik stated the State of New Hampshire does not have an official State Advisory Executive Interoperability Committee but New Hampshire does have a state interoperability plan. Mr. Kowalik stated the New Hampshire DPS has been working with other state agencies to transition their current infrastructure to be IP based. He stated DPS is also working with DOT on the Intelligent Transportation Project for the I-93 corridor from the Massachusetts border to the City of Manchester, New Hampshire.
Mr. Paul Leary indicated New Hampshire was awarded 1.9 million from an EDA (Economic Development Administration) grant, 5.9 million from the PSIC grant and have applied for the BTOP grant. The grant monies will be used to create a microwave ring infrastructure on New Hampshire mountain tops that will connect into a 10 Gig fiber ring and also to upgrade existing equipment.
Mr. Chase stated Green Mountain Communications was awarded the communication portion of the Intelligent Transportation Project. Green Mountain Communications proposed using 4.9GHz for the last mile of connectivity in the I-93 corridor.
Maine: No Report
Vermont: No Report
Rhode Island: No Report
Third item on the agenda: FCC Update
Mr. Zarwanski stated the House and Congress extended the PSIC grant for an additional two years.
Mr. Zarwanski informed the committee digital television transition is complete. Mr. Zarwanski also indicated there are low power television stations still operating on public safety 700MHz frequencies. Public safety agencies licensing 700MHz channels are required to provide a notification letter to the low power television station(s) operating on an interfering frequency to cease operations 90 days prior to their turn up date.
Fourth item on the agenda: Region 19 Plan
Mr. Zarwanski identified Region 19 received applications from the City of Stamford, Connecticut and the Fairfield County, Connecticut UASI (Urban Areas Security Initiative) in the Window 9 opening.
Mr. Zarwanski indicated Mr. Mark Mattson and Mr. Paul Zito
from the Connecticut State Police put together the UASI application and have
met all the Region 19 requirements. Mr. Zarwanski asked the committee to
approve the UASI application. Mr. Jeff Otto made a motion Region 19 approve
this application using a voting procedure to be determined by the Chairman. Mr.
Steven Brown seconded the motion. Mr. Leary made a motion to amend, Mr. OttoÕs
motion, to grant conditional approval to the UASI application today with the
understanding the approval will not take place until 12/14/09, upon review of
the Region 19 committee. Mr. Zarwanski requested a vote from the voting committee
members to approve the amended motion. Mr. Steven Brown seconded the motion. All voting members approved the
amended motion unanimously. Mr. Zarwanski requested a vote from the voting
committee members to approve the motion as modified. All voting members
approved the motion as modified unanimously.
Mr. Zarwanski stated Mr. Carey Flaherty is representing the
City of Stamford, CT. Mr. Zarwanski indicated the City of Stamford application
has two outstanding items, the area of operations and coverage maps for their 2
watt radios. Mr. Otto made a motion that Region 19 approve the City of Stamford
application at such time as the data requested is provided to the Chairman and in
his opinion unequivocally shows it meets Region 19 criteria. Mr. Steven Brown
seconded the motion. Mr. Zarwanski requested a vote from the voting committee
members to approve the motion. Mr. Zarwanski requested a vote from the voting
committee members to approve the motion. All voting members approved the motion
as modified unanimously.
Fifth item on the agenda: FCC Broadband Auction
– D Block
Mr. Zarwanski indicated the FCC was seeking comment on the allocation of the 700MHz D Block. Mr. Zarwanski has identified the State of Connecticut and National Public Safety Telecommunications Council submitted waivers to the FCC in PS Docket No. 06-229, ÒPublic Safety and Homeland Security Bureau Seeks Comment on Petitions for Waiver to Deploy 700MHz Public Safety Broadband NetworkÓ.
Sixth item on the agenda: NRPC/NPSTC
Mr. Zarwanski stated NRPC had a conference call bridge on November 19, 2009. Mr. Zarwanski indicated an issue was identified during the conference call concerning engineering software. Conference call participants requested the type of engineering software to be used to perform interference studies. NRPC could not identify a specific software program available to perform 700MHz interference studies. Mr. Zarwanski informed the committee, Region 19 technical committee, will be utilizing RadioSoft, Comstudy to perform interference studies.
Seventh item on the agenda: Region 8 and Region 30
700MHz Plans
Mr. Zarwanski announced Region 8 and Region 30 are having a Window opening January 1 through the 31, 2010. It is expected Region 8 will receive a large number of applications in their first window opening. Mr. Zarwanski informed Mr. David Cook, the Chairman of Region 30, he will be receiving two 700MHz applications from Region 19 requesting concurrence from Region 30.
Eighth item on the agenda: 4.9GHz
Mr. Zarwanski indicated Mr. Chase has identified some cities and towns licensed 4.9GHz statewide. Mr. Thomas Kalis, from Motorola, indicated an entity choosing to license 4.9GHz point to point operations must apply for a statewide license. Mr. Zarwanski stated the State of Rhode Island has not notified Region 19 with 4.9GHz to licensing and construction requirements.
Mr. Zarwanski announced representatives from PVTA attended the meeting to identify their intentions of building out a 4.9GHz mesh network. PVTA is seeking Region 19 licensing and construction requirements.
Ninth item on the agenda: New Business
Mr. Zarwanski announced the Region 19 2010 meeting dates have been provided to the committee. Mr. Zarwanski identified we still need to confirm the meeting dates with the locations.
With no further comments or business, Mr. Paul Leary motioned for adjournment. Mr. James Kowalik seconded the motion. The next meeting will be held at the Massachusetts State Police General Headquarters, 470 Worcester Road, Framingham, Massachusetts on March 9, 2010.
All present agreed to adjourn at 12:08PM.