New England Region 700MHz

Technical Advisory Committee Meeting

Fifth Meeting

Wednesday, December 11, 2001



List of Attendees: See attachment

The fifth quarterly meeting of the New England Region 700MHz Technical Advisory Committee was held on Wednesday September 26 at 10:30 AM, at the Emergency Operations Center, Office of Emergency Management, Cranston, RI, the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary present.

Meeting Convened at 10:35 AM.

Order of Business:

  1. Moved to ACCEPT the September 26, 2001 minutes (Exhibit I) as distributed. There was no request for changes and no discussion followed. The minutes were APPROVED as presented.

    The Chairman reminded everyone that the committee hosts a website that contains; minutes of all committee meetings, future meeting dates and other related information. The Internet address is www.ner700mhz.org. The webmaster is G. Carbonell.

  3. State applications for spectrum pool frequencies: The states of Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Maine reported that they have applied for the licenses. The Chairman asked those present from the New England States if they had also applied for the interoperability frequencies. The response was generally that they had not at this time but would consider filing prior to the deadline date. If a filing (letter) were not completed for interoperability frequencies, the interoperability frequencies would be the domain of the committee.
  4. 700 MHz FCC Planning Process. Mr. Bob Schleiman a member of the NCC (National Coordinating Council) gave a presentation that updates the current NCC perspective and anticipated directions. He emphasized current thinking about pool allotments for Public Safety by county area as geographical areas. He discussed the NPSTC database requirements. He explained that the allotments are based on demographics. The responsibility of the regions to develop plans is still paramount. The regions will still have to approve the plans of the adjacent regions.
  5. Mr. Schleiman briefly noted the effects of terrain on propagation. He discussed the general scheme of allotments based on population density schemes. Interoperability

    Standards are also of prime importance within the development of the 700MHz plans.


Bylaws committee: G. Pohorilak presented a draft document BY LAWS OF THE NEW ENGLAND 700MHZ COMMITTEE/REGION 19 (exhibit II). The group at the suggestion of the Chairman decided that the draft document be studied by the committee members until the next meeting where further discussion and action will be taken.

Procedures Committee: J. Kowalik presented an outline of information and items that must be finalized by FCC decisions. The development of procedures for dealing with applicants for 700 MHz spectrum can proceed. (Exhibit III)

In summary, he noted multiple entities in each state will have input into the actual assignment of spectrum and the ultimate frequency distribution responsibility is unclear at this time. His recommendation is to monitor closely the development of technologies and the FCC creation of standards and procedures.

The Chairman suggested, in spite of the haziness of the FCC procedures and specifications the development of a Regional Plan must move forward subject to editing as the FCC adopts specific procedures and technical specifications.


A question was raised on the process for new committee membership and the Chairman indicated the question was premature since the bylaws have not yet been finalized and approved.

Moved to adjourn at 11:25 AM.

Motion carried by voice vote.

The next meeting will be held on March 12, 2002 at the Connecticut DOT, 280 West Street, Rocky Hill, CT at 10:00 a.m.

Respectfully submitted

James Warakois, Secretary

Documents distributed to attendees:

New England Region 700MHz Technical Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes, Tuesday, December 11, 2001. (Exhibit I)


REGION 19. (Exhibit II)

Procedures Committee Report. , 700 MHz Technical Advisory Committee, New England Region 19, James Kowalik, chairman.