Meeting Minutes
Region 19 700MHZ Committee
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Rhode Island Emergency Operations Center
645 New London Avenue
Cranston, Rhode Island
Mr. Jerry Zarwanski chaired the meeting. The meeting started at 10:18AM. An agenda was emailed to all committee members and copies were available for those attending the meeting. Several members called in on the telephone conference bridge.
First item on the agenda: Approval of Minutes
A copy of the minutes from the last meeting was passed out. A motion was raised to approve the minutes. The minutes were approved by Mr. Steve Brown and seconded by Mr. Steve Verbil. Mr. David Smith stated Rhode Island submitted a request for consideration for Region 19 membership. The request contained a list of individual seeking Region 19 membership. A list of new members representing Rhode Island was provided to the meeting attendees.
Two item on the agenda: State Updates
Connecticut: Mr. Steven Verbil provided the committee with the State of Connecticut update. The State of Connecticut is installing a 10 Gig Public Safety Data Network (PSDN) consisting of 6 interconnecting fiber rings, for the purpose of delivering NG911, Connecticut On-Line Law Enforcement Communications Teleprocessing (COLLECT) and P25 interoperability. The physical installation portion of the network has been completed, 5 of the 6 fiber rings are Òturned upÓ and test data is being sent across the completed rings. The anticipated date of acceptance for the data network is the first quarter of 2011.
Mr. Verbil identified the State of Connecticut is utilizing the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) grant money to extend the data network to 450 additional sites throughout the state. The 450 additional sites are currently being reviewed for National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) environmental compliance. The installation of the additional sites must be completed by August 2013 to comply with the BTOP grant requirements.
Massachusetts: Mr. James Warakois reported the City of Boston, Massachusetts has requested a 700MHz broadband waiver from the FCC.
New Hampshire: No Report
Vermont: No Report
Rhode Island: Mr. Smith informed the committee that Rhode Island is about to begin the construction of a beta site for a Motorola High Performance Data (HPD) system. The state radio system must first be upgraded to version 7.9 and should be completed soon after January 1, 2011. Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) received a $4.3 million dollar grant to implement additional HPD throughout the state. Mr. Zarwanski requested Rhode Island notify Region 19 of the 700MHz Òstate licensesÓ they anticipate utilizing in their new system. Region 19 will notify the adjacent states, of Rhode IslandÕs channel usage intent. Mr. Zarwanski suggested representatives from Rhode Island, Connecticut and Massachusetts hold a meeting to discuss the utilization of their Òstate licensesÓ. Mr. Verbil stated he will contact representative from each of the states requesting a meeting date, to discuss the Òstate licensesÓ.
Maine: No Report
Three item on the agenda: FCC Update
Mr. Zarwanski discussed several handouts provided to the meeting attendees: FCC Public Notice DA 10-1877, ÒPublic Safety and Homeland Security Bureau Seeks Comments on the Technical and Operational Feasibility of Enabling Flexible use of the 700MHz Public Safety Narrowband Allocation and Guard Band for Broadband ServicesÓ; PS Docket No. 06-229, DA 10-1877, ÒTechnical and Operational Feasibility Use of the 700 MHz Public Safety Narrowband Allocation and Guard Band for Broadband ServicesÓ, ÒComments of APCOÓ; National Regional Planning Council (NRPC), 700MHz Survey; Public Safety Advocate, ÒFCC Paper Proves Need for D Block ReallocationÓ; and PS Docket 06-229, DA 10-1877, ÒImplementing a Nationwide Broadband, Interoperable Public Safety Network in the 700MHz BandÓ, ÒComments of The Region 54 700MHz Regional Planning Committee December 3, 2010Ó.
Mr. Zarwanski informed the committee, FCC Section 90.529 Òstate licensesÓ has been modified. FCC Section 90.529 (b)(1) requires each state holding a 700MHz State License provide or be prepared to provide Òsubstantial serviceÓ to one-third of their population or territory by January 1, 2012. FCC Section 90.529 (b)(2) requires each state holding a 700MHz State License provide or be prepared to provide Òsubstantial serviceÓ to two-thirds of their population or territory by January 1, 2017. FCC Section 90.529 (d) If a state licensee fails to meet any condition of the grant the state license is modified automatically to the frequencies and geographic areas where the state certifies that it is providing substantial service. FCC Section 90.529 (e) any recovered state license spectrum will revert to General Use. However, spectrum licensed to a state under a state license remains unavailable for reassignment to other applicants until the CommissionÕs database reflects the parameters of the modified state license.
Four item on the agenda: Region 19 Plan/Applications
Mr. Zarwanski stated Mr. Blair Sutherland representing the Massachusetts State Police submitted a Massachusetts State Police 700MHz application at the last meeting. The Massachusetts State Police is looking to license 9 of the 12 low power channels. Mr. Zarwanski stated he found no issues with the application. Mr. Warakois made a motion to approve the Massachusetts State Police application and Mr. Brown seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
Mr. Zarwanski informed the committee the Connecticut State Police submitted a modification request to their Window 9 application. The modification request identified new coordinates for two of their transmitter sites. The modification request was reviewed by Mr. John Masciadrelli and Mr. Zarwanski, and found to be a minor modification. An approval letter was provided to the Connecticut State Police to move forward with licensing. A copy of the approval letter was provided to the meeting attendees.
Fifth item on the agenda: FCC Broadband Auction D -Block
Mr. Zarwanski identified Senate Bill 3756 supports the allocation of the D Block directly to public safety and funds collected from commercial spectrum auctions to be used to construct a nationwide wireless broadband network for first responders.
Mr. Zarwanski indicated 21 jurisdictions were approved to use D Block broadband. 7 of 21 jurisdictions were provided funding through the BTOP grant. The FCC requires the grantees make broadband interoperability and compatibility available.
Sixth item on the agenda: Region 8 and Region 30 700MHz Applications
Mr. Zarwanski announced Region 8 has filed a request for concurrence to Region 19 for 8 applications in their Window 1 opening. The Region 19 committee reviewed the engineering/technical studies for each of the 8 applications. The committee was tasked with approving or disapproving each of the applications.
Mr. Masciadrelli explained Computer Assisted Pre-Coordination Resource and Database (CAPRAD) was used to identify Region 19 co and/or adjacent channel allotments within a 113Km radius of each Region 8 applicant. Region 8 applications having Region 19 co and/or adjacent channel allotments within 113Km radius of their county center point were further reviewed utilizing the software program RadioSoft¨ Comstudy 2.2. RadioSoft¨ Comstudy 2.2 (radio frequency) RF propagation software was used to create 65dBu, 40dBu and 5dBu contours around a Region 8 applicantÕs transmitter site(s). Region 8 applications containing transmitter sites producing 5dBu contours 5 to 8Km of a Region 19 county with co channel allotments were denied concurrence. Region 8 applications containing transmitter site(s) producing 40dBu contours within 5 to 8Km of a Region 19 county with adjacent channel allotments were denied concurrence. Mr. Zarwanski identified our analysis was based on the data and parameters found in the applicantÕs FCC 601 Form. The applicants Region 8 application filing was not reviewed. The Comstudy propagation contours for each Region 8 application was displayed on a monitor and reviewed.
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority Police DepartmentÕs (MTA-PD) propagation contours were displayed and reviewed by the committee. A motion was raised to deny concurrence to MTA-PDÕs application. Ten committee members voted and MTA-PDÕs application was denied concurrences unanimously. MTA-PDÕs application was denied concurrence due to their 40dBu contour exceeding their jurisdictional boundaries by 3 to 5 miles (5 to 8 kilometers), entering into Connecticut and the applicantÕs submitted 601 form did not accurately identify antenna specifications/patterns .
The County of SuffolkÕs propagation contours were displayed and reviewed by the committee. A motion was raised to deny concurrence to County of SuffolkÕs application. Ten committee members voted and the County of SuffolkÕs application was denied concurrences unanimously. County of SuffolkÕs application was denied concurrence due to their 40dBu contour exceeding their jurisdictional boundaries by 3 to 5 miles (5 to 8 kilometers), entering into Connecticut and the applicantÕs submitted 601 form did not accurately identify antenna specifications/patterns .
The Middlesex CountyÕs propagation contours were displayed and reviewed by the committee. Middlesex CountyÕs propagation contours were found to comply with the New England Region 19 700MHz Plan. A motion was raised to grant concurrence to Middlesex CountyÕs application. Ten committee members voted and the Middlesex CountyÕs application was granted concurrence unanimously.
The Union CountyÕs propagation contours were displayed and reviewed by the committee. Union CountyÕs propagation contours were found to comply with the New England Region 19 700MHz Plan. A motion was raised to grant concurrence to Union CountyÕs application. Ten committee members voted and the Union CountyÕs application was granted concurrence unanimously.
The Rockland CountyÕs propagation contours were displayed and reviewed by the committee. Rockland CountyÕs propagation contours were found to comply with the New England Region 19 700MHz Plan. A motion was raised to grant concurrence to Rockland CountyÕs application. Ten committee members voted and Rockland CountyÕs application was granted concurrence unanimously.
The Orange CountyÕs propagation contours were displayed and reviewed by the committee. Orange CountyÕs propagation contours were found to comply with the New England Region 19 700MHz Plan. A motion was raised to grant concurrence to Orange CountyÕs application. Ten committee members voted and Orange CountyÕs application was granted concurrence unanimously.
The New York Transit AuthorityÕs propagation contours were displayed and reviewed by the committee. New York Transit AuthorityÕs propagation contours were found to comply with the New England Region 19 700MHz Plan. A motion was raised to grant concurrence to New York Transit AuthorityÕs application. Ten committee members voted and New York Transit AuthorityÕs application was granted concurrence unanimously.
The NYC Dept of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DoIT) propagation contours were displayed and reviewed by the committee. NYC Dept of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DoIT) propagation contours were found to comply with the New England Region 19 700MHz Plan. A motion was raised to grant concurrence to DoITÕs application. Ten committee members voted and DoITÕs application was granted concurrence unanimously.
Mr. Zarwanski informed the committee 6 of the 8 applications will be granted concurrences. A letter will be composed and sent to Region 8 identifying the applications approve/disapproved concurrence.
Mr. Zarwanski stated Region 8 received one application in their Window 2 opening from the NYC Dept of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DoIT). Region 8 provided Region 19 with a hard copy of the application. No action will be taken until a formal request for concurrence is received from Region 8.
Eighth item on the agenda: 4.9GHz
Mr. Zarwanski stated he has received no notifications of any new 4.9GHz licenses or potential licenses in Region 19.
Ninth item on the agenda: New Business
The New England Region 19 2011 meeting schedule has been created. Letters have been mailed to the 4 meeting locations requesting use of their facility. When all 4 meeting locations have been confirmed, a letter will be sent to the FCC requesting a Public Notice be created.
Mr. Zarwanski requested committee members provide updated contact information.
Mr. Zarwanski asked should venders be allowed to show presentations during Region 19 meetings. The committee requested a preview of vendorÕs presentation. The committee will then decide after the preview whether a full presentation should take place.
With no further comments or business, Mr. George Carbonell motioned for
adjournment. Mr. Steve Brown seconded the motion. The next meeting will be held at the Connecticut Fire Academy, 34 Perimeter Road, Windsor Locks, Connecticut on March 8, 2011.
All present agreed to adjourn at 12:35PM.