
Region 19, 700 MHz Technical Advisory Committee


June 2006


Rhode Island Emergency Management Center

Cranston Rhode Island




Presiding Vice Chairman Jerry Zarwanski, Secretary James Warakois.  Chairman Mr. Pohorilak away on other business.


The meeting was convened at 10:10 am.  All members present signed the attendance sheet and guests were

asked to sign for the record. Those present introduced themselves. 


Approval of previous minutes

     December 13, 2005 minutes:  Moved by Mr. Leary to approve; seconded by Mr. Kowalik and others.


     March 14, 2006 minutes: Moved by Mr. Leary to approve; seconded by Mr. Kowalik. The minutes for both

     Meetings approved unanimously by voice vote.


STATE UPDATE (Mr. Zarwanski)


There is an ad hoc group moving toward governance committee status. Bylaws are being prepared for future adoption. Membership

will be from State agencies and organizations outside the state government

The Dept. of Homeland Security has made numerous grants. There is much information available from the Connecticut Homeland Security

website that could serve to help others develop Interoperability systems

Mr. Zarwanski noted later that Ct has a system of mobile trailers designed to respond to Disaster locations from locations around

The state to provide ITAC service in an emergency



Massachusetts (Mr. Sutherland )

The State of MA has ad hoc committee that should eventually be permanent.  Various Homeland

Security regions are working on plans to address up local interoperability needs.

Plans there is a sharing plan being created.  This will include tie-ins to the large networks.  The progress of the 700 MHz

 Mr. Sutherland asked if there is any contact being with the broadcasters regarding abandoning

  Mr. Zarwanski noted that the VTAC and UTAC are part of the Interoperability scheme. The FCC

has also released documents regarding Òline AÓ operations with Canada.

The representative from Rhode Island suggested that contact must be made with MA for seamless combining of systems along the States'.

common boarder.


New Hampshire: (Mr. Kowalik)

There are several committees that will evolve into the State Planning and Interoperability Committee.

There is a plan for the formation of a committee on homeland security.  There is a conglomerate being formed for a disaster operations

Center. There have no recent inquiries about 700 or 800 MHz operations for a while.  There is a current initiative for construction of

A combined operations dispatch center involving the State Police, 911 at the NH Fire Academy grounds.  It is slated to open at the

end of August.



Rhode Island (Mr. Smith)

Mr. Howard Backsenbaum heads the RI Interoperations working group.  Communications Workgroup

Has involved representatives of multiple agencies as well as concerned non-government groups.  Meetings are held twice each month.

RCC is the consultant for the State's interoperability feasibility study. The result of this study has resulted in a plan for Rhode Island to

Establish a statewide 800 MHz network. Which has started in Washington County, RI includes 75% of the State land.  Providence and

East Providence is working on a grant to increase coverage within their combined area.  North Providence is studying the possibility

of increasing the number of towers and resulting increased radio coverage. There is also talk of combining with some larger urban

areas in Massachusetts that border Rhode Island network.


Mr. Zarwanski noted that the graphic shown for Rhode Island coverage shows talk out and not talk back features that can be deceiving.

The presentation of coverage maps often accounts for only talk out and not talkback coverage.


The Coast Guard is going to be using the ITAC & ICALL in instances involving the State and Local activation of the network.


Maine – no report

Vermont-no report


FCC Update

Mr. Zarwanski described the 700 MHz plans being considered by FCC.  To date there are four Regions (Region 19 included).

There are seven plans pending




Representative to NPSTC East Coast is Peter Meade. He is the Region 8 chair. He can be contacted for access to the NPSTC

conference line.  Contact Mr. Carbonell who can direct interested parties to the correct information for access.



Met in Las Vegas, Steve Devine is contact person



 Internet site has two entry ports, one is public and one is for authorized users. On line filing for 700 MHz and info for

4.9 GHz assignments. There is a new section for information on Interoperability. The CAPRAD site is available as a

link on the Region 19 web site.



Windows/Applications:  Discussion about window times.  Question as to when the windows become valuable. Mr. Kowalik

Noted that windows for applications are open on April 1 and November 1 each year.  The process of numbering the windows

will occur once applications are entered for consideration.  Mr. Zarwanski noted that the informational guideline pages should

Be extracted from the Regional Plan and made available for use of the applicants.  Mr. Zarwanski noted that there are still

discussions continuing at the FCC about various bandwidth assignments in the band


Mr. Zarwanski discussed the need for adjacent region agreements for the assignment of frequencies.


4.9 GHz business:

Mr. Kowalik moved to accept the final draft of The Region 19 Plan for 4.9 GHz dated March 14, 2006. Seconded by Mr. Leary.


Discussion:  Mr. Warakois pointed out the need to notify the licensees that there is a Plan.  Mr. Derdak suggested that such

notifications be made after the plan is approved and final. 


Voted UNANIMOUSLY, by show of hands, that the Final Draft of the Regional plan be accepted and be forwarded to the FCC for Approval.


Mr. Zarwanski requested that the members present review and correct the email list.


Mr. Leary moved to adjourn. Mr. Kowalik Seconded the motion


Adjourned until September 12, 2006 at the Connecticut Fire Training Academy.



Respectively submitted


James Warakois, secretary.