

New England Region 19 700 MHz




Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Putney, VT Volunteer Fire Department

Putney, Vermont



The meeting was convened at 10:10 a.m. with a quorum present.


1. Approval of Minutes of March 13, 2007

            Chairman, Mr. Pohorilak called for the acceptance of the minutes. There was no

            discussion.  Moved by Mr. Brown. Seconded by Mr. Derdak that the minutes be               approved.  All voted in favor of acceptance.


2. Committee Membership / Appointments.

The Chairman noted two potential membership additions. Chief Leo Sacco of the Greater Boston Police Council (GBPC) submitted a letter of recommendation that Mr. John Dooley be appointed to the Committee. He would fill the at Large Member position for Massachusetts. After discussion, Mr. Warakois motioned Mr. DooleyÕs appointment.  All voted in favor of Mr. DooleyÕs membership.


Mr. Namvar Moghadam, Administrator for Rhode Island Highway & Bridge Maintenance requests the appointment of Mr. Jim Berard of the Rhode Island Highway and Bridge Maintenance to serve as the Rhode Island Highway representative to the Committee. After discussion Mr. Derdak moved for a vote Mr. Brown seconded.  All voted in favor of Mr. BerardÕs membership.


The Chairman noted that there is no funding readily available for the operation of the Committee.  Certain items will be sustained by voluntary contributions of   members. In was noted that some future funding may be available for Committee expenses through NPSTC funding.










3. State Update

Connecticut- Mr. Carbonell described the State Tactical On-Scene Channel System (STOCS) plan for Connecticut.  He discussed the use of the cross banding of VCAL/VTAC with UCAL/UTAC and 806MHz frequencies and how the plan differs from the National Interoperability Plan for the use of VCAL/VTAC and UCAL/UTAC.  He described the use of the calling channels and the coordination requirements with adjacent states. Mr. Zarwanski also noted that the publication of STOCS plan is the formal notification by Connecticut to the adjacent states. Copies of the STOCS plan were distributed. Mr. Zarwanski noted that on page 8 of the March 2007 issue of the DEMHS Advisor Newsletter publishes the STOCS Plan.


Mr. Derdak noted that the UHF channels are the same as the National Plan.  He questioned the use of the same c.t.c.s.s frequencies as published in the FCC / National Plan and the potential for confusion and interference in the case of a large scale event requiring several jurisdictions to operate at the same time.


Mr. Carbonell answered that c.t.c.s.s. issues have been considered.

Mr. Zarwanski stated that negotiations and information are being disseminated through meetings of the Regional Planning Update Committees. He stated that further discussions will be conducted with adjoining states.


Massachusetts- Nothing new to report from representation present.


Rhode Island- Testing performed with the ICALL and three ITAC channels with sites in close proximity to Massachusetts to determine optimal performance. The master site is Chopmist Hill.


Maine- No report


New Hampshire- No report


Vermont- Motorola representative reported that Vermont has placed bids for a network of VTAC and UTAC stations to be placed on the highest sites available in Vermont. Communications will be directed to one of the eleven PSAPs.  The person in charge of the project is Chief Paul Duquette of the Newport, VT. Police Department. The committee is known as BECOMM  and the project is known as the ÒLifeline SystemÓ.











4. FCC Update

Chairman Pohorilak referenced an article published in the New York Times, June 7, 2007. The article identified  changes coming to Broadcast Television and the need for digital to analog converters for existing sets that lack HDTV.


Mr. Zarwanski commented on FCC activity regarding changes in the 700 MHz band.  He referred to a document submitted to the FCC by Regional Planning Update Committee 8.


He noted that there are three issues under consideration and pending with the FCC: 

            1. Narrow band spectrum, which was part of the original FCC plan may be moved from the original identified locations in the plan.

            2. Data spectrum, 50 KHz aggregated up to 150 KHz will be            changed and identified as new ÒbroadbandÓ.

3. With new technology ÒbroadbandÓ, the FCC is considering aggregating channels 63 and 68 to new ÒbroadbandÓ and shared commercial use. The selected commercial vendor will build out a national system with public safety priority.  Portions of channels 64 and 69 will be combined for exclusive public safety narrowband. 



A discussion transpired and committee members debated their viewpoint toward introduction of the new technologies as they apply to the 700 MHz band. Mr. Shand noted the potential of new applications is overlooked by many of the traditional users because of their lack of exposure to the newer modes. He also noted the drawbacks and reliability of the private suppliers of new technologies.


Members commented on the various written comments and technical plans submitted to the FCC by prospective commercial vendors for use of the frequencies in a shared agreement with Public Safety.


Mr. Zarwanski questioned the member desires and needs of Region 19 700MHz Public Safety users with their needs and views toward future broadband applications.










                        Nothing new to report. However, NPSTC has submitted comments and its                           position with the FCC on 700MHz issues.


6.  Window/Applications

                        There have been no applications under the plan. The application forms                                  will be similar to the current 821 MHz band with the exception of the                               field strength coverage scheme which will utilize Longley Rice                                              methodology. Mr. Carbonell stated that CAPRAD will be the repository                          for application and processing data. Further discussion of the filing                           process was examined.


7.  Region 8 and Region 30 700 MHz Plans

                        Chairman Pohorilak informed the Committee that concurrence has been                                granted to the Region 8 and Region 30 700MHz Plans as modified to                              reflect the changes which were discussed at the last meeting (June                                         12, 2007).


8.  4.9 GHz

            The committee held a discussion of various known projects, intended           uses for 4.9GHz and the various emissions. Mr. Zarwanski has provided     the 4.9GHZ Regional guidelines and procedures to those who have        inquired and intend to obtain a license. A copy of the Region 19  4.9 GHz    plan has been sent to all known licensees. The number of licenses issued            as of this date is: Rhode Island - 2, Vermont - 3, New Hampshire - 6,           Maine - 5, Massachusetts - 105, and Connecticut -11.


9. New Business-

            No new business.


The next meeting will be at Kennebunkport, ME, on September 11, 2007 at 10:00a.m.

Meeting adjourned at 11:12 a.m.




Respectfully submitted,

Jim Warakois, Secretary













Documents distributed:


Letter, to Mr. Namvar Moghadam, Administrator, Highway & Bridge Maintience,

 re: Mr. Jim Berard, for voting membership on Region 19 Committee.


News clipping; THE NEW YORK TIMES, JUNE 7, 2007; Converters Signal a New Era for TVs




Document, Before the Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C.; Supplemental Reply Comments of Regional Planning Committee 28, Richard Reynolds, Chairman .


Publication, THE COMMUNICATOR; MOTOROLA, INC.; Editor Bette Rinehart, Gettysburg, PA, April 30, 2007


Letter, to Mr. Peter W. Meade, Region 8  700MHz Chairman; May 1, 2007, re: A letter

accepting Region 8 and 30 700MHz Plan.