Meeting Minutes

Region 19 700MHZ Committee


Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Putney Volunteer Fire Dept.

14 Main St.

Putney, VT  01702



Mr. Jerry Zarwanski chaired the meeting.  The meeting started at 10:15AM.  An agenda was emailed to all committee members and copies were available for those attending the meeting.  Several members called in on the telephone conference bridge.


Mr. Zarwanski introduced Mr. William (Bill) Youell who has replaced Mr. George Pohorilak as the Director of the Office of Statewide Emergency Telecommunications. 


First item on the agenda:  Approval of Minutes


A copy of the minutes from the last meeting was passed out.  A motion was raised to approve the minutes. The minutes were approved by Mr. Jeff Otto and seconded by Mr. Steve Brown.


Second item on the agenda:  State Update


Connecticut:  Mr. Jerry Zarwanski requested Mr. Steven Verbil provide the committee with the Connecticut update. Mr. Verbil stated the State Interoperability Executive Committee (SIEC) has met once since the last Region 19 meeting. SIECÕs last meeting was held to approve the State of Connecticut – 700 MHz Spectrum Allocation Plan. Mr. Zarwanski indicated the next SIEC meeting will be held June 15, 2010.


Mr. Verbil informed the committee the Northeast Region Interoperability Coordinators conference scheduled for this week has been canceled. Mr. Verbil indicated he is working on rescheduling the meeting the week of June 14th.  Mr. Verbil identified an agenda item for the meeting will be New JerseyÕs plans to build out a 700MHz system utilizing the CAPRAD allocated Òstate licensesÓ. 


Mr. Zarwanski requested Mr. Verbil provide an update on the progress of the State of Connecticut Public Safety Data Network (PSDN). Mr. Verbil indicated 70% of the fiber optic backbone and 60% of the fiber connections to the buildings have been completed. It is anticipated the fiber optic portion of the network will be completed as scheduled. Mr. Verbil stated the fiber optic network should be operational by the spring of 2011. Mr. Verbil informed the committee one of the ports on the CISCO equipment in each of the PSAPs may be designated for Continuity of Operations (COOP). COOP will give the PSAPs the ability to export resources into the fiber network.

Mr. Zarwanski provided the committee with a brief overview of the PSDN. Phase 1 of the PSDN is comprised of 112 sites linked together by a 10 Gig fiber optic network. Three applications will be operating on the network NG911, COLLECT and radio interoperability. In Phase 2, 400 plus sites will be added to the PSDN. The additional sites will include police depts., fire depts., and state agencies. 


Massachusetts:  No Report


New Hampshire:  Mr. James Kowalik stated the State of New Hampshire has a SIEC advisory committee in place.


The State of New HampshireÕs round two Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) grant application is currently in its due diligence phase.  New HampshireÕs round one BTOP grant application was rejected.


New Hampshire is requesting 66 million in the round two BTOP application. The requested money will be used to institute a radio/fiber optic interoperability network between a number of entities; National Guard, DOT, New Hampshire Public Television, Etc.


The New Hampshire Statewide Communications Interoperability Planning (SCIP) grant has been awarded. The grant money allocated to the project must be spent by September 2011. Mr. Kowalik indicated he is currently working on complying with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements. Once the NEPA requirements are met the state will move forward with a RFP to upgrade their microwave network to be IP based.


Vermont:  No Report


 Rhode Island:  No Report


Maine: No Report


Third item on the agenda:  FCC Update


Mr. Zarwanski stated FCC Section 90.529 ÒState LicensesÓ has been modified. FCC Section 90.529 (b)(1) requires each state holding a 700MHz State License provide or be prepared to provide Òsubstantial serviceÓ to one-third of their population or territory by January 1, 2012. FCC Section 90.529 (b)(2) requires each state holding a 700MHz State License provide or be prepared to provide Òsubstantial serviceÓ to two-third of their population or territory by January 1, 2017. FCC Section 90.529 (d) If a state licensee fails to meet any condition of the grant the state license is modified automatically to the frequencies and geographic areas where the state certifies that it is providing substantial service. FCC Section 90.529 (e) Any recovered state license spectrum will revert to General Use. However, spectrum licensed to a state under a state license remains unavailable for reassignment to other applicants until the CommissionÕs database reflects the parameters of the modified state license. Currently the only state in Region 19 that does not hold a Òstate licenseÓ is Vermont.


Fourth item on the agenda: Region 19 Plan


Mr. Zarwanski stated in Window 9 Region 19 received two applications Connecticut State Police, Fairfield County, Connecticut UASI (Urban Areas Security Initiative) and the City of Stamford, CT. The applications were first reviewed for compliance with the Region 19 Plan. Engineering interference studies were conducted. Region 19 requested concurrence from both Region 8 and 30. Concurrence was granted from both regions in the first quarter of 2010. The applications then were sent to the FCC for approval. Ms. Jeannie Benifaida, FCC Program Analyst, stated CAPRAD county allocated Ògeneral useÓ channels do not require FCC approval. Ms. Benifiada stated the channels selected by the applicants were all CAPRAD allocated county channels, therefore, Region 19 will send them an approval letter to move forward with FCC licensing immediately. Mr. Zarwanski identified a letter was drafted to both applicants granting them approval to move forward with licensing.


Fifth item on the agenda: FCC Broadband Auction – D Block


Mr. Zarwanski stated the FCC has granted conditional approval to 21 petitioners including cities, counties and states that filed waivers to move forward with the construction of regional or statewide interoperable wireless broadband networks. Mr. Zarwanski indicated there is grant money available under the FCC, BTOP round 2 grant to fund system infrastructure build out.


Mr. Zarwanski announced the Bill; ÒBroadband for First Responders Act of 2010Ó was introduced into Congress. The Bill introduced the reallocation of the D Block spectrum to public safety.  The Public Safety Alliance is backing the bill and urging Congress to stop the auction of the D Block channels.


Sixth item on the agenda: NRPC/NPSTC


Mr. Zarwanski stated Mr. Verbil and he attended the 700/800MHz Regional Planning and CAPRAD Database Conference on March 25 and 26 in Tampa, Florida. The meeting was held to assist 700/800MHz regional planning committee chairmen and vice chairmen in filing a 700MHz plan. Mr. Zarwanski provided the committee with the conference agenda.


Mr. Zarwanski informed the committee he brought forward their concerns in regards to CAPRAD. NRPC identified that CAPRAD is a functional tool that all the regional planning committees should be using to exchange information. CAPRAD currently accepts two types of file extensions .CSV and .EBF. Mr. Zarwanski indicated the exchange of information with adjacent regions will remain as is. CAPRAD is unable to accept file extensions that this committee uses.


NRPC is holding an all region conference call once a month at 3:00PM Eastern Standard Time. The conference call is being held to help out the regional planning committees design their plans. 


Seventh item on the agenda: Region 8 and Region 30 700MHz Plans


Mr. Zarwanski announced Region 8 had their first window opening from January 1 to January 30. In Window 1, 8 or 9 applications were received. The Region 8 technical committee is in the process of evaluating these applications. Mr. Zarwanski identified he will be attending the Region 8 regional update meeting on June 15, 2010. Mr. Zarwanski stated he intends to learn the number of applications received by Region 8 in their first Window opening and determine how Region 19 will review their applications. He identified he will be putting together a technical review subcommittee to evaluate these 8 or 9 applications. Mr. Zarwanski requested volunteers at the meeting to be members of the technical review subcommittee.     


Eighth item on the agenda: 4.9GHz


Mr. Zarwanski stated that Region 19 has not received notification this quarter of any entity building out 4.9GHz in Region 19. He identified that entities on record with Region 19 would have primary status when building out their 4.9GHz system.


Ninth item on the agenda: New Business


Mr. Zarwanski announced Region 19 has not received any new 700MHz applications.


Documentation was provided identifying the three analog low power (2 watt) channels that are available to everyone in the 700MHz band.


With no further comments or business, Mr. Stephen Verbil motioned for

adjournment.  Mr. Steve Brown seconded the motion.  The next meeting will be held at the Kennebunkport PD, 32 North Main Street, Kennebunkport, Maine on September 14, 2010.


All present agreed to adjourn at 11:37AM.