Meeting Minutes

Region 19 700MHz Committee


Tuesday, June 14, 2011


New Hampshire Department of Public Safety

33 Hazen Drive

Concord, NH 03305



Mr. Jerry Zarwanski chaired the meeting.  The meeting started at 10:27AM.  An agenda was emailed to all committee members and copies were available for those attending the meeting.  Several members called in on the telephone conference bridge.


First item on the agenda:  Approval of Minutes


A copy of the minutes from the last meeting were available.  A motion was raised to approve the minutes. The minutes were approved by Mr. Steve Brown and seconded by Mr. James Warakois.


Two item on the agenda:  State Updates


Massachusetts: Mr. Blair Sutherland stated the State Interoperability Executive Committee (SIEC) is preparing for the implementation of Massachusetts Tactical Stack (TACSTACK) a 28 site UHF, VHF and 800MHz tie-in system. Massachusetts is utilizing $3.5 million in PSIC (Public Safety Interoperability Communications) funds to construct the system. The Federal Government approved Massachusetts request for a PSIC grant extension.


Maine: No Report


New Hampshire:  Mr. James Kowalik reported discussions of a 700MHz statewide trunked P25 switch for the states marine patrol. New Hampshire continues to make progress on the upgrade of their microwave system to be IP based. The project will be implemented in phases over the next two years.


Rhode Island:  Mr. Joseph McGarry stated the Rhode Island SIEC has discussed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the northeastern states in regards to the utilization of shared 700MHz state channels. Mr. Zarwanski inquired if the MOU has been adopted by the state of Rhode Island. Mr. McGarry indicated the MOU has not been signed to date.


Vermont:  No Report


Connecticut:  Mr. Steven Verbil provided the committee with the State of Connecticut update. The Connecticut Public Safety Data Network (PSDN) will be expanded in Phase II to include additional sites funded by the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) grant. The sites will include the Connecticut State Police radio towers. The introduction of fiber connections to the State Police radio towers is one of many factors allowing the state to reduce the number of state troops that provide 911 dispatch. 


Mr. Verbil indicated upon completion of PSDN Phase I and II the state will in essence be a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC). Mr. Verbil anticipates having more information in regards to services provided by the PSDN over the course of the next year.



Three item on the agenda:  FCC Update


Mr. Zarwanski stated FCC Section 90.529 ÒState LicensesÓ has been modified. FCC Section 90.529 (b)(1) requires each state holding a 700MHz State License provide or be prepared to provide Òsubstantial serviceÓ to one-third of their population or territory by January 1, 2012. FCC Section 90.529 (b)(2) requires each state holding a 700MHz State License provide or be prepared to provide Òsubstantial serviceÓ to two-third of their population or territory by January 1, 2017. FCC Section 90.529 (d) If a state licensee fails to meet any condition of the grant the state license is modified automatically to the frequencies and geographic areas where the state certifies that it is providing substantial service. FCC Section 90.529 (e) any recovered state license spectrum will revert to General Use. However, spectrum licensed to a state under a state license remains unavailable for reassignment to other applicants until the CommissionÕs database reflects the parameters of the modified state license. Mr. Zarwanski informed the committee the states of Rhode Island, Connecticut and Massachusetts are moving forward to come into compliance with the FCC mandate. A handout was provided to the meeting attendees identifying the FCC 700MHz state channel mandate requirements.


Mr. Zarwanski identified Senate Bill S. 911 was passed by the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee. The committee consisted of 13 Democrats and 12 Republicans. The bill passed with a vote of 21 to 4 in favor of the bill. Public safety would like to see the Senate pass bill S. 911. The bill provides public safety with additional radio spectrum.


Senate Bill S. 1040 and HR. 607 also contain language identifying the auctioning off of public safety UHF spectrum. The funds from the auction would be use to build out a 700MHz broadband network. Public safety does not condone either bill.


Mr. Shawn Romanoski stated there will be a meeting in Washington DC on June 15, 2011 to discuss the entities in receipt of a 700MHz D Block waivers. The giveback program, a FCC meeting agenda item, may require entities granted a waiver provide access to their infrastructure if a nationwide 700MHz system is constructed. Mr. Romanoski plans on attending the meeting and will bring back any pertinent information.


Mr. Zarwanski identified the National Regional Planning Committee (NRPC) representing all the regional planning committees, is providing support for Senate Bill S. 911.  Mr. Jeff Otto made a motion, ÒRegion 19 Chairman communicate with the NRPC our desire to not give up any existing public safety frequencies in order to facilitate a nationwide D Block communications systemÓ. Mr. Kowalik seconded the motion. The committee voted, seven members voted in favor the motion, two opposed and two abstained. The motion passed. Mr. Zarwanski requested Mr. Kowalik, Mr. Otto and Mr. Verbil daft the letter to the NRPC. The letter will be reviewed by ConnecticutÕs staff attorney and the chairman will then move the letter forward to the NRPC.     


Four item on the agenda: Region 19 Plan/Applications


Mr. Zarwanski stated to date there have been only two 700MHz applications submitted to Region 19. Both the applications were approved and have been moved forward to the FCC. There are no pending applications at this time.


Fifth item on the agenda: Region 8 and Region 30 700MHz Applications


Mr. Zarwanski stated Region 19 received 8 applications from Region 8 in their Window 1 opening. Region 19 granted concurrence to 6 of the 8 applications. The two applications that did not receive concurrence were MTA-PD and Suffolk County. Region 8 has resubmitted MTA-PD application for concurrence to Region 19. Mr. John Masciadrelli announced MTA-PD provided Region 19 with the requested .rs2 files. The .rs2 files were displayed for the committee members to review. Mr. Masciadrelli identified the areas of concerns Region 19 had with MTA-PD application and discussed their resolutions. Mr. George Carbonell and Mr. James Warakois requested a three day extension of time to review the .rs2 files provided by MTA-PD.  Mr. Zarwanski made a motion to provide MTA-PD with Region 19 concurrence base on Mr. MasciadrelliÕs review. Mr. Verbil seconded the motion. The committee voted, six members voted in favor of the motion, zero opposed and four abstained. The motion passed. An approval letter will be mailed to Region 8 for MTA-PD modified submission pending Mr. Carbonell and Mr. Warakois review request to Region 19 Chairman within the three day extension period.


Mr. Zarwanski identified Region 8 requested concurrence for New York City DoITT in their Window 2 opening. Mr. Masciadrelli displayed the .rs2 files provided by New York City DoITT. The New York DoITT .rs2 files depict the 40 dBu contours not extend into Region 19. Mr. Masciadrelli identified there are no Region 19 co or adjacent CAPRAD allocated channels within 113Km of New York City DoITT. Mr. Zarwanski made a motion to provide New York City DoITT with Region 19 concurrence base on Mr. Masciadrelli recommendations. The committee voted, nine members voted in favor of the motion, zero opposed and one abstained. The motion was approved pending there are no technical problems identified by Mr. Carbonell or Mr. Warakois. Mr. Carbonell and Mr. Warakois were granted to the close of business Friday, to review the application.


Mr. Zarwanski announced Region 8 received one application in their Window 3 opening. Window 3 is currently under review by their technical committee. Region 19 expects a concurrence request in shortly.  






Eighth item on the agenda: 4.9GHz


Mr. Zarwanski stated he received a notification from BAE Systems for building out 4.9 GHz in Merrimack, NH. BAE Systems identified they were granted an experimental STA under call sign WE9XWA by the FCC to operate on 4.9GHz in Merrimack, NH. Mr. Zarwanski stated he had found no issues with their build out proposal and found them to be in compliance with the Region 19 4.9GHz Plan.  


Mr. Merrill of SCM Wireless submitted a letter to Region 19 identifying New Hampshire is building out 4.9GHz on the I95 corridor. Mr. Zarwanski reviewed their submittal and identified they were in compliance with Region 19 4.9GHz plan.


Ninth item on the agenda: New Business


Mr. Carbonell requested contact information from the SEIC Chairperson of each Region 19 state. Region 19 will post the contact information on the Region 19 website.


Mr. Carbonell announced that Mr. Kowalik and he can provide access to CAPRAD to any committee member upon request.


With no further comments or business, Mr. Steve Brown motioned for adjournment.  Mr. George Carbonell seconded the motion.  The next meeting will be held at the Massachusetts State Police General Headquarters, 470 Worcester Road, Framingham, Massachusetts on September 13, 2011.


All present agreed to adjourn at 12:33PM.