Meeting of theFrom: Jerry Zarwanski []

Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 10:32 AM

To: ''; ''

Subject: Minutes8Mar05edited.doc





Meeting of the

FCC Region 19


700 MHz Technical Advisory Committee


Tuesday, March 8, 2005

Connecticut Fire Academy,


Windsor Locks, CT 06096




The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 10:00 AM.




Present Mr. Pohorilak; Chairman Mr. Zarwanski, Vice Chairman, and Mr. Warakois, Secretary. All members present were asked to sign the attendance roster.





Mr. Pohorilak announced the passing of Committee member Greg Richardson of the Boston Fire Department Communications Division. A minute of silence was held.




The Chairman acknowledged Joan Carrasquillo for her editorial efforts in the publication of the Region 19, 700 MHz plan.  The Chairman acknowledged her patience and perseverance in structuring the 700MHz Plan in an acceptable format for submission to the FCC.






Mr. Kowalik made note of the improvements to this committee’s website.  He gave special thanks to Mr. Carbonell for his diligence with the website.




Previous Minutes

The Chairman presented the minutes of the previous meeting.  Mr. Carbonell MOVED to ACCEPT the minutes as presented.  Mr. Kowalik SECONDED the motion.  There was no discussion. The minutes were APPROVED by voice vote.







Connecticut- Chairman Pohorilak reports the Connecticut Interoperability Committee meets on a regular basis. The committee is in the process of developing an operational on scene plan which includes the cross banding of UTAC, VTAC and 800 MHz frequencies. The draft plan has been distributed for comment to the Connecticut Interoperability Committee.












The Connecticut Department Emergency Management and Homeland Security was formed on January 1, 2005.  Mr. Skip Thomas is the Commissioner of the Dept. of Emergency Management and Homeland Security. The Connecticut Interoperability Committee is a formal subcommittee to the Connecticut Department Emergency Management and Homeland Security.




New Hampshire - Mr. Kowalik reports that the New Hampshire State Interoperability Committee will begin meetings in June following the meeting of the Region 19 Committee in Concord, NH.



Massachusetts - No report



Rhode Island – No report



Maine - No report



Vermont - No report





NCC  Update

Mr. Zarwaski noted there has been no meeting of the NCC since last May or June.  The NCC has submitted their technical requirements to the FCC.





FCC Update

Mr. Zarwanski notes that the FCC shows only one plan that has been approved.  There are about five plans that have been submitted.







Mr. Carbonell reports that the CAPRAD web site has more functionality added to it.

An area for 800 MHz information has been added. In addition there will be an area for 4.9 GHz information.




Mr. Zarwanski has requested from APCO that APCO provide CAPRAD training to the Frequency Coordinators at the conference in Denver, August 2005.  The Region 19 committee discussed various training possibilities.


















Region 19, 700 MHz Plan

Copies of the plan are available in binders and on CD. The Chairman noted that the plan has been approved by the adjacent regions and has been submitted to the FCC for approval. The steps will now be a 30-day posting for public comments, then a 15-day period for replies to the comments



Mr. DiBella acknowledged the committee and all persons present for the fine work done on the 700 MHz Plan. 






4.9 GHz Planning


Mr. Zarwanski reported that there were three plans distributed for review at the last meeting in Rhode Island for the committee. The question presented to the committee from Mr. Zarwanski was "Should the 4.9GHz plan be frequency agile, spectrum efficient or should the plan identify specific frequency assignments?"




The Chairman tabled the question for the next meeting and indicated that a draft plan


would be available for the next meeting. Any suggestions, comments or input should be


submitted to the Chairman




Plans reviewed show steps as simple as committee approval for registering a system with


the committee to awarding points for various technical factors.




Mr. Kowalik suggested that applications be reviewed and frequencies awarded based on various points of merit.  License holders could face difficulties if the final plan does not include operations that have already made investments in equipment and are operating equipment.




Mr. Derdak made note of vendor movement into the 4.9 GHz band and various schemes that are being projected.




Mr. Kowalik cited 47 CFR 90.1209 and the construction requirements for fixed point to point construction.




The Chairman requested submission of ideas from the committee members. Mr. Carbonell requested that the submission deadline be May 5, 2005.


























The Chairman indicated he will continue to recruit membership for this committee.




Notices of meetings for the remainder of the year will be submitted and posted in the FCC Daily Digest.




Mr. Brown MOVED to adjourn.  SECONDED by Mr. Kowalik.




The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 AM.




Respectfully Submitted






James Warakois, Secretary