
Region 19 700 MHz Technical Advisory

Committee Meeting


Tuesday, March 13, 2007


10:00 A.M -11:30 A.M.



The meeting was convened at 10:04 AM.


Present:  George Pohorilak, Chairman; Jerry Zarwanski, Vice-chairman; James Warakois, Secretary. All present signed the prepared sign in sheet.


Approval of Minutes- December 12, 2006

The minutes of the previous meeting were presented by the Chairman. Moved to accept by Mr. Brown. Seconded by Mr. Kowalik.  There was no discussion. Approved by unanimous voice vote.



Captain Dean Hoxsie of the Narragansett, Rhode Island Police was nomininated as a Member-at-Large from Rhode Island by Chief Smith, Narragansett, RI.  Moved to accept by Mr. Carbonell, Seconded by Mr. Bob Dibella.  There was no discussion and Captain Hoxsie was accepted to the committee as a new member by voice vote.


State Updates-

Connecticut- Chairman Pohorilak reported on radio interoperability in the State of Connecticut. Mr. Carbonell reported on the progress of the STOCS (State Tactical On-Scene Channel System) plan for the State of Connecticut.  STOCS provides an interoperable radio communication system on scene of an incident which cross bands the VTAC, UTAC and 806MHZ frequencies.  The channels have been renamed STOCS channels 1 through 5.  These frequencies may only be used in mobile/portable radios with a maximum output power of 5 watts. A RFP was developed for the purchase of 100 cross band, multi-band repeaters. The State is presently field testing the units which have met the minimum bid specifications. Further information is available at www.ct.gov/demhs 







Massachusetts- Mr. Sutherland reported that the State Interoperability Committee is working on multiple issues including the use of the 800MHz network. The State is working with the Massachusetts regions for development of UTAC and VTAC protocols.  Completion of the statewide plans will depend on several factors and funding for equipment.


Mr. Dibella pointed out that the term VTAC implies cardiac problems and the designation should be renamed. Mr. Derdak responded that the terminology being used nationally must remain consistent, otherwise misunderstanding can likely occur due to local variance from the nationally suggested identifiers.


New Hampshire- Mr. Kowalik described the States attempt to standardize on terminology uniformity. There has also been discussion on the choice of PL/CTCSS codes/tones while attempting to use the national guidelines.


Rhode Island- Mr. Crotty noted that the Rhode Island Communications Working Group is crafting their interoperability plan to blend with that of the neighboring states of Massachusetts and Connecticut. Captain Hoxsie explained that there are now twelve 800 MHz sites now simulcasting with 5 additional sites pending upon funding approval. A total of 22-23 sites are forecast for UASI use as well as the use ICALL/ITAC in a compatible way with MA and CT.


Maine- No report.


Vermont- No report.


The Chairman noted that the next meeting of this committee will be in Vermont. The Chairman will attempt to have Vermont participation and reporting at the next meeting.


FCC Update- The 9th Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) for 700MHz is out and the comment period ended on March 12.  The 9th NPRM eliminates/reduces the need for the Regional Planning process. The FCC seeks to choose one contractor/vendor to build out a 700MHz system placing both commercial and public safety users on the same system. The FCC will make a ruling on various items relating to 700 MHz as well as other proposed rule changes.


NARPC/NPSTC/CAPRAD- The issues gaining attention from these bodies where touched upon in many of the previous agenda items.








Windows /Applications- To date, there have been no applications received for 700MHz frequencies.


Region 8 and Region 30 700 MHz Plans- 

Copies of the Region 8 and 30 Plans were distributed.  The revised plans contain modifications to the inter-regional conflict resolution procedures and orphan channel allocation procedures.


Mr. Sean OÕHara representing Region 8 and 30 discussed the section on Orphan channels in the plans. Orphan channels are the remaining 6.25 MHz segments not assigned with a 25MHz block of frequencies and are left for reuse.  The orphan channels may be assigned to adjoining pool areas with proper engineering studies, the approval of the committee and Regional Chairman who will ascertain that no interference would be created.


Mr. Sean OÕHara also discussed the use of the Longley-Rice methodology for determining signal coverage and interference issues as opposed to using other computations.  He states that they wish to change section 9.2 to read ÒLongley-Rice.


Mr. Zarwanski noted that Region 19 will also be using Longley-Rice for 700 MHz determinations but will remain with Okumura for the 821 MHz applications.


Moved by Mr. Zarwanski and Seconded by Mr. Carbonell that the modifications  identified by Mr. OÕHara in the Region 8 and 30 Plans be accepted.


There was discussion on any impact to the Region 19 Plan.


Voted by all members that the identified changes be accepted.


Inter-regional dispute resolution: Mr. Travis LePage representing Region 8 and 30 noted that all of the New York dispute resolution times have been changed.  After prolonged discussion it was determined that the dispute resolution section of Region 8 and Region 30 would be acceptable although it varies slightly from that of Region 19.


Moved by Mr. Warakois and Seconded by Mr. Walsh that the change be accepted by Region 19.  There was no further discussion. The change

then was accepted by voice vote.







It was moved by Mr. Zarwanski and Seconded by Mr. Carbonell that the Region 8 and 30 Plans be accepted as modified in their entirety.  There was no further discussion.  Voted in the affirmative by a show of hands by the members present to accept the Plans as modified.


4.9 GHz- Mr. Warakois asked that cities licensed and built out on the 4.9 GHz band forward copies of their system design to the Committee for use in the event there is dispute between systems.


Mr. Zarwanski noted that letters have been sent with the 4.9GHz plan to all known licensees explaining the position of the Regional Planning Committee.  He states that only one town (Tewksbury) has responded. The letters were addressed to the person whose name appeared on the license.


The Chairman stated that further letters and a list will be distributed to the interested parties in each state for further investigation of compliance and notification to the Regional Planning Committee.


Moved by Mr. Carbonell, Seconded by Mr. Brown that the meeting adjourn.

Voted unanimously for adjournment.


11:15 AM



Respectfully submitted


James Warakois, secretary