Meeting Minutes

Region 19 700MHZ Committee


Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Kennebunkport Fire Dept.

32 North Main Street

Kennebunkport, Maine 04043




Mr. George Pohorilak chaired the meeting. The meeting started at 11:13AM. An agenda was emailed to all committee members and copies were available for those attending the meeting. Several members called in on the telephone conference bridge.


First item on the agenda: Approval of Minutes


A copy of the minutes from the last meeting was passed out. A motion was raised to accept the minutes. The minutes were accepted by Mr. Jeff Otto and seconded by Mr. George Carbonell. All members present approved the minutes.


Second item on the agenda: State Update


Connecticut: Mr. George Pohorilak requested Mr. Steve Verbil give the Connecticut update. Mr. Verbil identified the state is currently involved in a project to implement a statewide fiber data network connecting all 107 PSAPs. The State has hired a consultant to prepare documentation to move the fiber data network project along. Mr. Verbil identified the first stage of the fiber data network installation should be completed by the end of this year.


Mr. Verbil identified the State is in negotiations with Motorola for the provision of a P25 switch. The State received a federal grant to fund the purchase of a P25 compatible switch. The federal government requires the money allocated to purchase the switch be spent by September 2010.


Mr. Verbil noted the third North East Regional Statewide Interoperability Coordinator Conference call was held March 9th. A high number of state representatives telephone conference into the meeting. Mr. Verbil encouraged all state interoperability coordinators attend the interoperability conference in Chicago on April 24, 25 and 26.


Massachusetts: No report



New Hampshire: No Report


Maine: Mr. Mark Poole stated the State of Maine accepted a proposal from Tyco to build                     

             a statewide trunked VHF radio network with a 6GHz backbone and 900Mhz

             microwave system. Tyco is hoping to start construction in the next 6 months.


Vermont: No Report


Rhode Island: No Report



Third item on the agenda: FCC Update


Mr. Zarwanski identified the new DTV transition date is June 12, 2009. Mr. Zarwanski noted 50% of the TV stations have already transitioned to all digital.



Fourth item on the agenda: Region 19 Plan


Mr. Zarwanski indicated the Region 19 plan was forwarded to the FCC in November. The FCC has reviewed the plan and has put the plan into a reply/comment period on the FCC web site. The reply/comment period has ended and Region 19 is awaiting approval of the plan.


Fifth item on the agenda: FCC Broadband Auction – D Block


Mr. Zarwanski stated the FCC has not determined the final outcome of the D block. Mr. Zarwanski reported there has been an administrative change in the FCC slowing the auctioning of the D block.


Mr. Zarwanski stated Public Safety Spectrum Trust and Siren Call have dissolved their relationship.


Sixth item on the agenda: NRPC/NPSTC


Mr. Zarwanski identified the FCC is looking for 700MHz plans from the regional planning committees. NRPC and NPSTC put in place a RPUC 700MHz plan development training session which was held February 2009. Additional training will be held in Orlando, Florida on June 29 and 30.


Seventh item on the agenda: Region 8 and Region 30 700MHz Plans


Mr. Zarwanski identified Region 8 and Region 30 submitted their regionŐs 700MHz plans at the same time. Region 8Ős plan is currently in the same status as Region 19. The status of the Region 30 Plan is unknown.



Eighth item on the agenda: 4.9GHz


Mr. Zarwanski stated in the past, the State of Connecticut held a 4.9GHz meeting. The meeting was held for all licensees and entities planning to license 4.9GHz.


Mr. Pohorilak stated the Cross Island Ferry was interested in licensing 4.9GHz. Region 19 requested a letter from a Connecticut public safety entity/municipality identifying they support the Cross Island Ferry plan to utilize 4.9GHz. Region 19 also requested a plan of intent from the Cross Island Ferry. Mr. Zarwanski stated Region 19 has not received the letter of support as of this date. Mr. Pohorilak identified he will keep the committee updated on the Cross Island Ferry.  Mr. George Carbonell identified the Cross Island Ferry applied for a 4.9GHz license on May 27, 2008. The FCC license request was dismissed two days later. On July 9, 2008 the FCC period for reconsideration closed. Mr. Carbonell indicated Cross Island Ferry is not licensed under 4.9GHz.


Mr. Zarwanski stated a build out plan must be submitted to Region 19 when a public safety entity plans on licensing 4.9GHz spectrum. Mr. James Warakois stated Brookline, Massachusetts has built out a 4.9GHz mesh network. Mr. Warakois stated he was not informed of the build out and is requesting technical information about the system from the town.


Ninth item on the agenda: New Business


Mr. Pohorilak introduced Mr. Kerry Flaherty representing a potential 700MHz  applicant from the City of Stamford, CT. Mr. Flaherty introduced Mr. Bob Cruikshank who put together a draft 700MHz application cover letter for The City of Stamford, CT. The letter stated the City of Stamford, CT will be moving forward applying for five low power 700MHz channels. Mr. Zarwanski informed Mr. Cruikshank the application is to be submitted to a frequency coordinating agency before the application will be reviewed for approval by the Connecticut State Interoperability Committee and New England Region 19 Planning Committee.     


Mr. Poole identified the City of Bar Harbor, Maine is requesting 700MHz for a mobile data system. The Town of Bar Harbor, Maine selected APCO as their frequency coordinating agency. Mr. Poole stated as the Maine APCO frequency coordinator he selected four 700MHz frequency channels for the system. Mr. Zarwanski pointed out that Mr. Poole has identified State frequencies and Region 19 has no authority over these frequencies. The State of Maine will need to provide a letter to APCO identifying the State relinquishes the frequencies to Bar Harbor.


With no further comments or business, Mr. George Carbonell motioned for adjournment. Mr. Stephan Brown seconded the motion. Next meeting will be held in the Rhode Island Emergency Operations Center, 645 New London Avenue, Cranston, Rhode Island.  All present agreed to adjourn at 11:02AM.