March 12, 2002


700 MHZ


Tuesday, March 12, 2002


The sixth quarterly meeting of the New England Region 700MHz Technical Advisory Committee was held on Tuesday March 12, 2002 at 10:30 AM, at the Connecticut Department of Transport, Rocky Hill, CT, the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary being present.

Meeting convened at 10:40 AM

Each of the attendees introduced themselves.

Order of Business.

1 APPROVAL of Minutes (Exhibit I)
Those present were advised of one correction to the Website address in the minutes.
It was voted to ACCEPT the minutes of the December 11, 2001 meeting as corrected.

The Chairman presented the Draft of the proposed bylaws. He made one suggested change to allow a mechanism to fill a vacancy in a State's representation on the committee. The change will read as:

F. Each representative state organization will appoint members from
their respective states. If a state organization does not appoint a member,
to the 700MHz Committee, that state slot may be filled with additional
members at large. Individuals, from eligible categories, may apply to the committee for vacant at large positions.

Mr. Gustafson desired clarification of "representative state organization". The chairman defined it as an organization such as APCO, AASHTO, IMSA, which would send a representative to be a member of the committee. A variant would be members chosen by the respective police, fire, emergency services as statewide representatives.

Moved by Mr. Carbonell and seconded that the Amendment to the proposed Bylaws
(Exhibit IIB) be inserted into the Proposed Bylaws Section 2.9, Committee

VOTED unanimously to approve the amendment as presented.

The Chairman requested approval of the Bylaws as written with the accepted change. There was no further discussion of the Proposed Bylaws.

Moved by G. Carbonell to approve the Bylaws as presented. The motion was seconded.

Being no further discussion the chairman called for a vote.

The Chairman discussed how those persons qualified and wishing to be officially on the committee would be made known to their affiliate agencies. He stated that he would send a letter requesting confirmation of membership to their affiliate agencies of those people present who are qualified and wish to serve on the committee. Letters will be sent to other qualified organizations seeking appointment to the committee.

The Chairman moved to item 4 in the agenda. Saving item 3 for discussion later in the session.

4 State License Update

Two documents were distributed to those present. They were the January and February 2002 issues of THE COMMUNICATOR, Motorola news flyer.
These contain the results of various States applying for Licenses in the 700MHz
Band according to the FCC request. (Exhibits III and IV). Vice Chairman Zarwanski explained that this listing is for the 2.4 MHz segment designated for State use dispersal.

5 NCC Update
A news clipping was distributed (Exhibit V) which outlines current steps in the progress of H.R.3397, The homeland Emergency Response Operations Network (HERO) Act. An act to free 24 MHz of radio spectrum to state and local emergency responders.

6 FCC Update
Mr. Carbonell noted that the ULS system is now using the CORES numbers instead of the tax number identification. A positive result of the FCC's interest in the 700 MHz band is the continued formation of Regional 700 MHz groups.

7 Grant Status
As previously noted this committee has received grant money. Current expenses are for the annual fee for the website. Other uses for grant money will be for: publication of information about the activities of the committee and distributed to government agencies in the region; professional groups and individuals interested this Committee's activities. A request for funding allocation of this publication will be forthcoming.

8 2002 Meeting Schedule
The next three meetings have hosts and locations. Agendas will be provided prior to the meetings.

2002 Meeting Dates and Locations
For The
New England 700MHz Regional Planning Committee


June 11, 2002

New Hampshire State Police
Headquarters 1st Floor Conference Room
Manchester, NH


September 10, 2002

Massachusetts State Police General Headquarters
470 Worcester Road
Framingham, MA


December 10, 2002

Springfield State Office Building
Springfield, VT


The directions to these locations will be posted on the committee website along with the meeting dates.










Distributed to those present was the DRAFT Plan for the State Of Missouri (Exhibit VI). The chairman noted that the State of Missouri Draft Plan and the NCC guidelines provide good insight as to the steps necessary in the evolution and organization of a Regional Plan. Sections of the Missouri draft plan were discussed and comments were addressed. Sections of the Missouri draft plan could be applicable concepts in the New England 700MHz Plan.

Mr. Kowalik noted that the subcommittees would serve well to add specific specialized detail to the total plan. The Chairman noted that the experience gained by the 800 MHz Committee can be helpful in streamlining the 700MHz process.

A General Discussion was held.

The concept of "Band Manager" was discussed. This person would interface with the Committee and provide safeguards against mis-allocations of spectrum resources.

Technical requirements have become much more complicated resulting in delays of processing the applicant information. This may require pre-application meetings to define and resolve potential problems. Various scenarios were discussed in an effort to identify potential impediments to the flow of application approval.

A comprehensive review of applications will be necessary with proof of performance by the applicants. A multi-step process will be necessary to proceed in an orderly manner.

Mr. Kowalik noted that the guidelines provided in TSB88 must serve as the reference source for the applicant's systems.

Chairman Pohorilak observed that acceptance of applications have been on a window basis. Discussion was held concerning the time-scale of the process.

Msr's Carbonell and Derdak discussed the issue of applicant certification and financial disclosures. Dispute resolution and an appeal process must be created. Various procedures must be explored.

Interoperability channels. The NCC guidelines recommend that the tactical and calling channels be dealt with carefully.

The Chairman emphasized that a draft of the procedures will be placed on the website for study prior to the next meeting.

The chair entertained a motion to continue this discussion at the next meeting.
Moved by Mr. Carbonell and seconded that this discussion be continued at the next meeting.

Voted unanimously in favor to suspend the discussion until the next meeting.



NEW Business

Gordon Shand questioned whether any of the new applicants would be giving up any of their 800 MHz frequencies when the new 700 MHz channels are available. He then readdressed his question as whether new equipment will be available to cover both frequency bands. He was told the radio vendors will be market driven to make equipment available. He noted that he attends many meetings and finds that there are many viewpoints of what emergency communications is and how it should be applied to their perception of an "emergency." This ranges from complex high tech systems to the use of PCS devices. He wonders who are the "point persons" in education of the public?

Motion by Chairman to adjourn the meeting
Moved by Carbonell to ADJOURN the meeting. Seconded. The motion was CARRIED.

Adjourned at 1223 PM

Respectfully submitted

James Warakois, Secretary.

Documents distributed to attendees:
New England Region 700 MHz Technical Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes,
December 11, 2001 (Exhibit I)

(Exhibit IIA)

(Exhibit IIB)

The Communicator, a publication of Motorola Inc., February 28, 2002, (Exhibit III)

The Communicator, a publication of Motorola Inc., January 31, 2002, (Exhibit IV)

A magazine article, Legislation Introduced to Free Radio Spectrum for First Responders,
Source unknown, (Exhibit V)

DRAFT, REGIONAL PLAN FOR THE STATE OF MISSOURI, Region 24 700 MHz Regional Planning Committee, (Exhibit VI)














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