Meeting Minutes

Region 19 700MHZ Committee


Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Connecticut Fire Academy

34 Perimeter Road

Windsor Locks, CT  06096



Mr. Jerry Zarwanski chaired the meeting.  The meeting started at 10:20 AM.  An agenda was emailed to all committee members and copies were available for those attending the meeting.  Several members called in on the telephone conference bridge.


First item on the agenda:  Approval of Minutes


A copy of the minutes from the last meeting was passed out.  A motion was raised to accept the minutes.  The minutes were accepted by Mr. George Carbonell and seconded by Mr. James Kowalik.


Second item on the agenda:  Committee Membership/Annual Elections


Mr. Jerry Zarwanski stated the committee received a letter dated August 17, 2009 from Mr. Lee R. Savary, New Hampshire DOT. The letter identified Mr. Lee Savary is replacing Mr. Caleb Dobbins as the New Hampshire Highway committee member on the Region 19 New England 700 MHz Planning Committee.


Mr. Zarwanski identified a number of committee members have retired and elected to stay on as members of the Region 19 committee.  Mr. Carbonell will remain as the AASHTO frequency coordinator representative for the State of Connecticut on the Region 19 committee.  Mr. Mark Poole will remain APCO frequency coordinator representative for the State of Maine on the Region 19 committee.


Mr. Zarwanski identified that the September meeting is when Region 19 holds its annual elections. Mr. Zarwanski stated Region 19 today will be holding elections for chairman, vice chairman and recording secretary for the New England Region 19 700MHz Planning Committee.


Mr. Zarwanski requested nominations for chairman from the floor.  Mr. Jerry Zarwanski was nominated for chairman by Mr. Carbonell. Mr. Steven Brown seconded the nomination. Mr. Zarwanski was elected by unanimous vote. Mr. Jim Warakois cast one vote on behalf of all the members for the nominated chairman Mr. Jerry Zarwanski.


Mr. Zarwanski requested nominations for vice chairman from the floor.  Mr. Stephen Verbil was nominated for vice chairman by Mr. George Pohorilak. Mr. Steven Brown seconded the nomination. Mr. Stephen Verbil was elected by unanimous vote. Mr. Warakois cast one vote on behalf of all the members for the nominated vice chairman Mr. Stephen Verbil.


Mr. Zarwanski requested nomination for secretary from the floor.  Mr. James Warakois announced he will not be running for re-election for the position of recording secretary.  Mr. Warakois stated he will remain the APCO frequency coordinator representative for the State of Massachusetts/State of Rhode Island and remain on the Region 19 committee.  Mr. Carbonell nominated Mr. James Kowalik for the position of recording secretary. Mr. James Kowalik was elected by unanimous vote. Mr. Steven Brown seconded the nomination.  Mr. Warakois cast one vote on behalf of all the members for the nominated recording secretary Mr. James Kowalik.


Third item on the agenda:  State Update


Connecticut:  Mr. Verbil identified that the 700MHz Technical Advisory Committee created the State of Connecticut – 700MHz Spectrum Allocation Plan.  The plan identifies requirements that Connecticut applicants must abide by to be considered for allocation of 700MHz channels.  Mr. Verbil proceeded to read through the plan requirements.


Mr. Kowalik inquired on how the State of Connecticut – 700MHz Spectrum Allocation Plan will work in conjunction with filing applications under CAPRAD.  Mr. Zarwanski Stated Connecticut 700MHz applicants must first present their application to the Connecticut SIEC.  The SIEC will determine the validity of the application.  If the applicant is granted approval by the SIEC, the applicant may file the application with Region 19.  Mr. Carbonell inquired if applicant uses the same procedure when applying for Òstate channelsÓ.  Mr. Zarwanski stated only applicants filing for Ògeneral useÓ channels and the State of VermontÕs Òstate channelsÓ will use this procedure when applying for 700MHz channels.  Mr. Verbil indicated the State of Connecticut has licensed their Òstate channelsÓ.  The State does not need to file with Region 19.  Mr. Zarwanski identified the Òstate channelsÓ still need to be coordinated with adjacent states. 


Mr. Zarwanski requested a cover letter be attached to the State of Connecticut – 700MHz Spectrum Allocation Plan upon adoption by the SIEC.  In addition he requested that the State 700MHz Plan reference the particular section of the Region 19 Plan where it applies. The plan will then be added to the New England Region 19 700MHz Plan as an appendix.


Massachusetts:  No Report


Rhode Island:  No Report


New Hampshire:  Mr. James Kowalik indicated the State of New Hampshire is working with various entities to determine how best to utilize Broadband Stimulus package money.  The state interoperability committee has come into an agreement through a MOU allowing them to share data infrastructure with New Hampshire DOT and possibly Hillsborough County.  The state is also trying to upgrade their microwave system to be IP based.


Mr. Kowalik identified the state website has a voluntary plan that entities can access to obtain a Zone H 16 channel interoperability group of frequencies to be utilized during incidents and events.  The state issued P25 radios to police and fire to work in conjunction with the plan.  Mr. Kowalik referred to the radio distribution as Law Net and Fire Net.

Maine:  Mr. Zarwanski stated Bar Harbor, Maine made a request for 700 MHz Ògeneral useÓ channels but they did not submit an application to Region 19.  Mr. Zarwanski indicated Bar Harbor, Maine did file with APCO and the State of Maine.  Bar Harbor, Maine will not be able to license Ògeneral useÓ channels unless approval has been granted by Region 19.


Vermont:  No Report


Rhode Island:  No Report


Fourth item on the agenda: FCC Update


Mr. Zarwanski provided the committee with a FCC Public Notice titled ÒPublic Safety and Homeland Security Bureau Seeks Comment on Petitions for Waiver to Deploy 700MHz Public Safety Broadband NetworkÓ dated August 14, 2009.  The Public Notice requested input on how to deploy 10 megahertz of 700MHz public safety broadband spectrum currently licensed to PSST.  The FCC has received waivers from 12 different jurisdictions requesting utilization of the D block spectrum for use by public safety as they see fit, in lieu of PSST distributing the D block or the FCC auctioning the spectrum.  Mr. Otto made a motion that the Vice Chairman of Region 19 drafts a waiver letter for circulation and approval, prior to the deadline date of November 16, 2009 for filing, which outlines Region 19 support of the D block generally following the comments raised in the FCC request.  Mr. Carbonell seconded the motion.  Mr. Zarwanski identified he would sign the waiver letter as the Chairman of Region 19 Committee.


Fifth item on the agenda: Region 19 Plan


Mr. Zarwanski stated the FCC sent a letter to the committee approving the Region 19 Plan on April 21, 2009.  Region 19 is one of 12 approved plans on a nationwide basis.


Mr. Zarwanski stated NRPC, APCO and the Foundation of America held a workshop in Orlando, Florida June 29th thru June 30th.  The workshop was provided to assist RPCÕs in drafting their 700MHz regional plan.  Mr. Verbil and Mr. Zarwanski attended the workshop.


Sixth item on the agenda: Region 8 and Region 30 700MHz Plans


Mr. Zarwanski identified Mr. John Masciadrelli and he attended the Region 8, 700MHz Planning Committee meeting.  Mr. Zarwanski informed the committee that Region 8 had put together a technical sub committee to evaluate 700MHz applications.  The technical subcommittee required 700 MHz applicants provide the engineering work and the software application(s) utilized to perform the engineering studies.  Mr. Zarwanski informed Region 8, during their meeting, Region 19 would be utilizing RadioSoft, Comstudy to evaluate Region 19 applications and Region 8 concurrence requests as identified in the Region 19 plan.  The Region 19 committee expressed their concerns of utilizing multiple software packages to evaluate the same application. Mr. Verbil indicated each software package may have parameters that vary, producing inconsistent results.


Seventh item on the agenda: 4.9GHz


Mr. Zarwanski provided the committee with NPSTC, WP Docket 07-100.  The docket identified NPSTC now wants to utilize frequency advisors to review 4.9GHz applications identifying potential interference issues.


The docket identifies ÒFCC approved licensing of 4.9GHz Òpoint to pointÓ and Òpoint to multipointÓ for broadband primary useÓ.  An entity currently holding a license for Òpoint to pointÓ or Òpoint to multipointÓ must relicense identifying technical parameters (Latitude and Longitude, directional antennas, etc.).


Eighth item on the agenda: New Business


Mr. Zarwanski stated at the previous meeting there was a discussion on consolidating the 700MHz and 800MHz committee into one.  After consulting with the FCC it was identified that the committees must remain distinct.  700MHz and 800MHz technology differ, requiring each plan to have a unique set of rules and guidelines.


Mr. Zarwanski provided a handout to the committee from VComm Telecommunications Engineering.  The handout identified vendors are utilizing 700MHz technology (wireless devices, microphone and headsets) at large events.  Some of these devices may potentially interfere with 700MHz frequencies allocated to public safety.


Mr. Zarwanski also indicated there are low power television stations still operating on public safety frequencies.  Public safety agencies licensing 700MHz channels are required by the FCC to send a letter to the television station(s) operating on an interfering frequency to cease operations 90 days prior to their turn up date.


With no further comments or business, Mr. George Carbonell motioned for adjournment.  Mr. Stephan Brown seconded the motion.  Next meeting will be held in the New Hampshire Department of Public Safety, 33 Hazen Drive, Concord, New Hampshire on December 8, 2009.


All present agreed to adjourn at 11:38AM.